Super Heros Suck

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An hour had gone by and yet his fever only went down 3 degrees. I tried to keep him as cool as possible but I noticed he starting to sweat again. I put a cool towel on him and somehow I knew what he needed. I just knew he needed to be soothed. He wasn't sick physically anymore.  The fever was a symptom of his emotional stand point.

"Just like saving premature pups. I can do this." His body was slightly heavy as I slid in behind him and held him close so that I could feel his heart beat and he could feel mine. I placed my hand on his heart and relaxed into a meditative state.

"I left it all behind tonight. I love you and I need you to have you in my sight. How to protect another, you must make it through. You must take another step no blue tunes, smile a new smile child I will protect you and give my life for you. I'd die if you cry so please child don't flee stay and be my treasure forever."

I sang to him and felt around for his aura and when I found his aura it was a false shade of green. I doubted I'd be able to, but I shed some of my own cosmic energy and allowed him to feed off of it. I'm so glad I was  paying attention when we were learning spirit work. Its been a while since Ive had to use this "gift."

I exhaled and coughed a little into my hand whipping the dubre on my pj's. The kid moved a bit as I took his temperature again.

"Mm-mom stop." He moved his hand to push me away and I caught a glimpse of his beast or Spirit animal as others called it. It had large honey eyes as it watched me from behind the brush. Blond colored fur and smelled like a place Id never been to before but somehow made me home sick.

The moment was seized by the sudden realisation that the boy was soiling himself, "Oh hey, hey! No-," I raised my voice for a second forgetting the fact that I was trying to hide this kid, "Not on my Louis Vuittons! Oh god I'm sitting in it too!"

I was silent when I looked down and saw a pair of bright hazel eyes burning holes into my face. "..Good you are up." I quickly seised the towel from in front of him, "how do you feel sweetie?" He didnt answer. "Well I'll let you decide if you wanna trust me while I change. You kinda peed and now my pants are wet so I need to change--hand me the shoes by your feet."

I took my shoes, "I'll look for some extra clothes for you too kay wait here and be quiet, " I closed the closet telling him to watch his fingers and toes.

I carefully peeled the moist pajama pants off, washed and winced it off in the sink--whatever they didn't match my shirt anyway. I hung it up on my window seal and looked inside my drawer for something Lil 'bit could wear.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that's good." His face was still a bit lit up probably with embarrassment so I gave an encouraging smile and handed him the clothes. "The bathroom is to your left, don't be embarrassed it happens to the best of us." I tossed his hair about and he pouted but smiled I gave him a hand. "Walk slowly." He nodded and went into the bathroom.  "Stay here I'll be right back."  I left swiftly out of my room down the stairs and headed towards the basement.

I was going to keep this hush hush for too long and I knew I would need help to keep this a secret for at least another day and to do that I'd need reinforcements. I knocked on his door twice before slipping inside. There was a few clothes the decorated his very male room I walked on them to cushion my steps. Pushing his mid back to wake him wasn't clever. "Hey--" In one swift moment Rich grabbed me around my waist and turned his body pulling me on top of him straddling his waist. "Don't hey me you came in my room." I could smell the pine and faint trace of grapefruit. It was getting close to mating season. He was peeved especially since our last uh, date? Wasn't really a date more like a kick back and ever since he kissed me he's been like this. I pinched his nose in an effort to get his attention and short circuit his need for affection. "I need your help."

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