The Devil's Tail 2

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I woke up slowly as the sun danced against my flesh. My foggy vision was a challenge to blink away but the smell of musk and cool water graced my senses with its presence. I turned myself into that smell and saw Aaron. His face was perfect. I stared at him memorizing as again I found myself mesmerized by his presence. I touched his cheek and smoothed my hand down toward his neck.

I was feeling so confused. I didn't understand anything it all just happened so fast and I couldn't keep up with any of it. Hot tears fell from my eyes and I quickly seized my bag quietly pulling a vial and cork. I captured my tears and put them back into my bag.

My tears had stopped and I felt a hand touch my back. "Alize...what happened" felt Aaron sit up.  I didn't say anything I just scooted up next to him and leaned against his chest. I drew circles on him.

"Are going to keep quiet like this and tell me nothing?" I didn't answer him I just hugged my body to him and tried to comfort him as best I could. I ignored the knock at the door as best I could Aaron invited Luz in. 

"I thought you might want something to eat," Luz carefully placed a tray go breakfast food on my lap her smile was pained. 

"Thank you Luz, don't look so down I am fine...Promise. kay." She cracked a smile at me but looked unconvinced.

Aaron and I ate in silence and after some time I stretched and announced, "I am feeling much better."

"Good we have much to talk about. " I didn't like the sound of that.  "Alize what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it and it doesn't matter because I will be more careful. it will not happen again." My hot face was full of embarrassment. 

"Wish I believed you but I can't force you to trust me either so. Fine. His hand traced my cheek before he kissed me, my body flinched. 

"Come. I want to get out of the house."

"Okay," was all that I could say I could feel his feelings were hurt and that wasn't my intention so I ate, took a shower, put on a beautiful multicolored dress, a little make up and went out into the City with the King.  I listened to him tell me about how grateful Luz has been and well she has felt as we walked by the tall buildings on the crowded streets. 

"You look beautiful. You know your dress its very...goddess chic." 

"You think so?" I smiled at him and the look in his eyes was so bright my insides turned and twisted  with a question. "Is this..feeling I get real? Or is it just...hormones--sweat," He played with a ringlet of my hair touching my face again. I grimaced. "Please answer my, this rea--"

"Why do you push me away when I touch your face." His voice felt like velvet  as I tried to semi ignore his affections pulling his hands from my face. 

"Because. It feels bad." I stopped mid sentence feeling compelled to look beyond Aaron at a cafe not twenty feet from us. It was small and quaint. A couple of people were sitting eating sandwiches. There was one woman sitting drinking tea quietly and a man talking her ear off that she seemingly ignored. 

She was beautiful and tanned and had the most beautiful brown eyes Id ever seen and Id have kept gazing at her if Aaron had not touched my face once again stealing my attention.

"What would you like to eat?" 

"Sea food! Its my favorite."

Lions Among Wolves (under construction and revise)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin