sixty-seven ; chasing pavements.

724 56 80

Alicia's fingertips grazed the fraying papers. Her silver ring glinted in the morning light. 

Some of the ink was beginning to fade. The pen ink, in particular, was smudging at odd places and waning at others. She brushed over the indents, visible from how hard the writer must have pressed into the fragile paper. The handwriting itself was as messy as she recalled, cramped together and barely eligible from a distance. At least she had the words memorized by heart.


You can't always get what you want. But you can get what you need, and I think I need you. Thanks for being my best friend.

Reluctantly, she dragged her gaze away from the familiar sheet music, landing on the bright red numbers of her digital clock. Five minutes until she had to leave for school. Arabella was insistent that Alicia should leave early. Her new-used car, a beige 2005 Chevrolet Malibu, took some effort to start at times. But she still loved it.

After all, she'd spent all summer working alongside Kurt at the Lima Bean just to afford it.

With aching care, Alicia set the sheet music in her bottom desk drawer, right on top of her old tattered songbook. She was careful to avoid reading the writer's signature, though she hesitated before shutting the drawer. With another glance towards the clock, she tucked her new leather-bound songbook under her arm and slung her book bag over her shoulder.

It was the first day of her senior year, and she would not spend it dwelling on the past. 

. . . 

From the doorway, Alicia saw Will pouring over a misshapen pile of sheet music atop the piano. His hand was halfway through his rambunctious curls, elbow perched atop the shining black surface as he flipped between book to book. When she stepped further into the room, he jolted with surprise.

"Alicia," he saw, lowering his hand from his chest. Her lips twitched. "Hey. Sorry, didn't see you there. Uh, there's no glee rehearsal today, with Artie's . . . audition."

Only half an hour before, she had spent three minutes being aggressively shoved between Blaine, Brittany, Tina, and Unique, who had transferred from Vocal Adrenaline. Everyone was obsessed with becoming the "New Rachel," and despite her apprehension, Alicia had not hesitated to audition for Artie alongside them.

After that performance, she was not nervous.

She smiled at Will, linking her hands together. "I know. Um . . . I was just wondering if maybe we could catch up." She hoped he did not see through her.

Will eyed her. He probably did see through her, but he had the grace to keep it to himself. "Of course. Take a seat," he said, gesturing towards the piano bench.

Alicia followed instruction, crossing her legs and looking around the choir room. Her gaze landed on the chair next to hers -- the one that had remained empty during their first rehearsal of the year. Alicia had sat alone.

"What's on your mind?"

Will's voice pulled her from her reverie. "I just wanted to know how your summer was. And I wanted to say thanks again, for putting me in contact with the right people to get my car. I love her."

He raised a brow, lips quirked. "It's a her?"

Alicia nodded seriously. "Her name is Mimi." Like the protagonist from RENT. Like the pig. She shut that thought down quickly.

"I see. Well, it was no problem. After all those guys I had to talk to when selling that car from Terri a couple years ago, and then selling the SUV, I think I've talked to every car guy in Ohio." Will shuddered, horror visible, before he cleared his throat. "Is that all you wanted to talk to me about?"

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