Chapter 1

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It was three moons later. Icekit looked down at her sister, Spottedkit, with amber eyes. Larchkit had green eyes and Molekit had blue eyes. Icekit poked Spottedkit in the side until she got up. Spottedkit looked at her sister with green eyes. "Come on. Larchkit and Molekit are already outside with Fleetkit, Rainkit, Stormkit, and Wildkit," Fleetkit was a light brown tom with light orange paws and light green eyes, Rainkit was a dark brown tom with black chest and underbelly and green eyes, Stormkit was a black and white tom with amber eyes, and Wildkit was a light brown tabby tom with amber eyes. Their parents were Crowfeather and Leafpool. Crowfeather had decided to stay in Thunderclan after the Dark Forest battle.

"Hey Spottedkit! Hey Icekit! Come play with us!" Fleetkit called. Icekit ran over and the first thing that Wildkit did was tackle her. Icekit growled and pushed Wildkit away. "Wildkit leave Icekit alone!" Fleetkit yelled at his brother.

"Fine, then I'll play with Spottedkit," Wildkit ran at Spottedkit. Icekit growled and ran at Wildkit. She slashed his right eye leaving three small scratches, but not blinding him. "What the Starclan Icekit! I was only playing!" Wildkit yelled.

Icekit hissed at Wildkit, "Stay away from my sister you piece of foxdung!" Just then Bramblestar came over with Oakpaw and Sneezepaw following him. Oakpaw and Sneezepaw had been brought in as rogues and were going to be warriors soon.

"What in Starclan's name is going on here?" Bramblestar demanded.

Before Icekit could blame Wildkit for being a mousebrain Icecloud came over. "Wildkit was about to attack Spottedkit, so Icekit went to defend her sister," she said. Icekit gave Icecloud a grateful look and Bramblestar nodded.

Bramblestar then went to high ledge and the two apprentices sat down beneath it. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high ledge for a clan meeting!" Bramblestar called. Icekit watched the cats gather and saw Shinekit and Darkkit, Rosepetal and Foxleap's kits, sit behind Oakpaw and Sneezepaw. "Today two apprentices are ready to be made warriors. Crowfeather and Ivyool, are your apprentices ready?" Bramblestar asked. Ivypool and Crowfeather nodded their heads and Bramblestar turned back to Oakpaw and Sneezepaw. "Oakpaw step forward," Oakpaw stepped forward to stand in front of high ledge. Bramblestar jumped down to stand in front of him. "I, Bramblestar, call upon Starclan to look at this young apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him as a warrior in his turn. Oakpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend this clan even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!" Oakpaw replied with a hard, yet confident, edge to his voice.

"Then from this day forward you will be known as Oakstripe. Starcan honors strength and loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!" Bramblestar rested his muzzle on Oakpaw's head, and Oakpaw licked his shoulder in return. Oakstripe went and sat with the other warriors. "Sneezepaw step forward. I, Bramblestar, call upon Starclan to look down on this young apprrentice. He has trained hard to understand the was of your noble code and I commend him as a warrior in his turn. Sneezepaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do," Sneezepaw replied quietly. Sneezepaw had always been the quieter one.

"Then from this day forward you will be known as Sneezetail. Starclan honors your bravery and speed and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!" Bramblestar rested his muzzle on Sneezetail's head, and Sneezetail licked his shoulder in return. Sneezetail went and sat with the other warriors as the clan cheered their names. Oakstripe and Sneezetail sat next to Amberheart, Snowpelt, Seedshine, and Lilyleaf. Dewcloud came over and sat with them with Cherryclaw and Molefur. Cherryclaw touched her muzzle to Oakstripe's and purred while Molefur sat next to Lilyleaf. Bramblestar then gave Darkkit and Shinekit their names of Darkpaw and Shinepaw. Darkpaw's mentor was Toadstep and Shinepaw's was Berrynose. Icekit went back to the nursery. Icecloud and Cinderheart were in there. Cinderheart was expecting Mousewhisker's kits and Icecloud was expecting Lionblaze's kits. Lionblaze and Cinderheart had gotten in a huge argument about kits and had officially split. Icecloud then went and won over Lionblaze, admitting she had always loved him. Mousewhisker had also won over Cinderheart by comforting her after the break up. Icekit liked Icecloud better anyways, and not because they shared the same name. Icekit thought that Icecloud would be more loyal to Lionblaze. Daisy and Squirrelflight were also in there. Squirrelflight was expecting Bramblestar's kits, and they were due anyday now. Icekit yawned and headed to her nest to get some rest so she could beat up Wildkit later.

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