Chapter 2

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Icekit woke up to the sound of a screeching she-cat. Icekit looked over to see Squirrelflight having her kits. Jayfeather and Dewcloud were there tending to Squirrelflight. The first kit came. "A tom!" Dewcloud purred. The next one came. "Another tom!" Dewcloud announced. "Come on Squirrelflight. One more kit. A she-kit!" Dewcloud said. Jayfeather then gave Squirrelflight some herbs and left with Dewcloud.

Bramblestar came barging in. "Our kits are beautiful," he purred. He nuzzled his mate's cheek and looked down at his sons and daughter. The biggest kit was a dark brown and ginger tom with black stripes and white paws. "How about Scorchkit?" Bramblestar suggested. Squirrelflight purred and licked Scorchkit's head.

"It's perfect," Squirrelflight said. Squirrelfight looked at their other son. He was brown tabby with orange spots on his tail. "I want to name this one Hawkkit," Squirrelflight decided. Bramblestar looked at her shocked, but didn't argue. The last one was a small dark brown tabby with cream fur from her muzzle to her tailtip along her underside.

"How about Volekit?" Icekit asked. Bramblestar and Squirrelflight nodded their approval and the family went to sleep.


I just wanted Squirrelflight having her kits in this chapter.

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