Chapter 3

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"From this day until she has earned her warrior name she will be known as Icepaw. Oakstripe, you have proved yourself as a brave and loyal warrior and I want you to pass on these qualities to Icepaw," Bramblestar mewed.

"I'll do my best," Oakstripe purred. Icepaw and Oakstripe touched noses and went to sit down.

"Icepaw! Spottedpaw! Larchpaw! Molepaw! Fleetpaw! Stormpaw! Rainpaw! Wildpaw!" the clan cheered. Spottedpaw got Sneezetail, Larchpaw got Bramblestar, Molepaw got Sorreltail, Fleetpaw got Brackenfur, Rainpaw got Cherryclaw, and Stormpaw got Bumblestripe. Icepaw sighed and scratched the ground. She was going to train with Spottedpaw and Wildpaw a lot. That would be a lovely mix.

"Come on Icepaw. We're going on a tour of the territory with Spottedpaw and Wildpaw. Then some battle training. Darkpaw will meet us at the training clearing," Oakstripe explained. Icepaw's heart sped up a little at the mention of Darkpaw, then she growled and slashed the ground. "Is there a problem Icepaw?"

"Wildpaw is a mouse brained piece of fox dung!" Icepaw hissed. "I don't like him or his stupid siblings! Fleetpaw is the only one who isn't a stupid fur ball!" Icepaw spat. Oakstripe was about to say something when Cherryclaw came over and touched her muzzle to his. Wildpaw came with Spottedpaw and Sneezetail following. "Can we go now?" Icepaw asked.

"Yes. Come on everyone," Oakstripe ordered. Everyone followed Oakstripe out the entrance. Icepaw stayed at the back of the group. Finally, the tour was over and they were all at the training area.

Cherryclaw looked at the apprentices. "Partner up everyone," she called. Darkpaw came out of the bushes at that moment and sat next close to Icepaw. Icepaw felt her ear tips grow hot and looked at her paws. "Today we will be doing the front paw swipe," Cherryclaw then demonstrated the move. "You try it."

Darkpaw rolled his eyes and Icepaw gave him a curious look. "Want to try harder moves?" Darkpaw asked. Icepaw nodded her head and jumped at Darkpaw. Darkpaw sidestepped and slashed Icepaw's flank. Icepaw turned and jumped over Darkpaw's head and landed on his back. She hooked one hindleg around his and unbalanced him. Icepaw pinned Darkpaw to the ground and looked at her mentor. Oakstripe was nodding his head in approval, Cherryclaw and Sneezetail looked stunned, Spottedpaw was dumbfounded, and Wildpaw was lookiing at her with admiration and fear. "Let me up. I am still here," Darkpaw growled playfully. Icepaw smiled at Darkpaw and sat on him. "Icepaw!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Darkpaw. Didn't see you there," Icepaw said innocently. Icepaw let Darkpaw up and they all went back to camp.

"So you and Darkpaw now huh?" Spottedpaw mewed as her and Icepaw together to eat.

Icepaw flattened her ears to her head and took a bite of mouse. "He's just a friend," she defended. "Plus Seedshine likes him. Why would he go for me?" Icepaw muttered. "What about you and Fleetpaw?"

Spottedpaw glared at Icepaw, but couldn't deny it. "We want to wait until we're warriors before making anything official," Spottedpaw mumbled.

Icepaw rolled her eyes and finished her mouse. Larchpaw and Molepaw came over just then. "Icecloud and Cinderheart had their kits!" Molepaw exclaimed. "Icecloud named her kits Spiderkit, Bluekit, Mosskit, and Bramblekit! Cinderheart named her kits Nightkit, Ashkit, Hollykit, and Eclipsekit!"

Icepaw and Spottedpaw turned towards their brothers. "What do they look like?" Spottedpaw questioned while poking Molepaw in the side.

Larchpaw rolled his eyes. "Hollykit and Nightkit are black and white she-kits with light gray stripes, Ashkit is a gray tom with white flecks, Spiderkit's a dark golden she-kit with blue ears and red streaks in her fur, Bluekit is a dark golden tom with a blue tabby striped tail, Mosskit is a light brown tabby she-kit with a white muzzle and underbelly, and Bramblekit is a white tom with brown paws and tail tip."

"What about Eclipsekit?" Icepaw asked poking Larchpaw.

Molepaw sighed and flicked Larchpaw over the ears with his tail. "Eclipsekit is a black tom with a white muzzle and paws," answered Molepaw. Spottedpaw squealed and ran over to the nursery. "You gonna go see the kits?" Molepaw turned to Icepaw.

Icepaw shrugged. Just then Darkpaw came over with Seedshine. Icepaw was more then happy to see Darkpaw, but wanted to rake Seedshine's ears. "Hey Icepaw," he purred sweetly. "Want to come on a walk with me?" Icepaw looked uncertantly at Seedshine who was giving her a rude look. Darkpaw seemed to realise the cause of her hesitance and turned to Seedshine. "Why don't you go see the new kits. I want to talk to Icepaw," Seedshine looked shocked and Icepaw gave Seedshine a triumphant look.

Icepaw smiled sweetly at Darkpaw. "I would love to go on a walk with you," she purred. Seedshine glared at Icepaw and walked to the nursery. They walked out of the forest and Icepaw could hear her brothers snickering. "So why did you want to take a walk?" Icepaw asked nervously.

Darkpaw sat down and Icepaw sat beside him to where their fur was barely touhing. "We've been friends since we were kits, right?" Icepaw nodded her head. "Well, I have always thought you were beautiful. I know that Seedshine wants to be more then friends, but I just think of her as a friend. What I am trying to say is, Icepaw I love you and I want to be more then friends."

Icepaw's heart was pounding in her chest. 'Darkpaw feels the same!' she thought. Icepaw purred and touched her muzzle to Darkpaw's Seedshine jumped out of the bushes with her fur bristling. "What are you doing Darkpaw?" she growled. "Why would you chose that over me? That thing's barely even an apprentice! What about me? I am so much better than that!"

Darkpaw stood protectively in front of Icepaw. "Her name is Icepaw!" Darkpaw snarled. "I am on a walk with her and I don't want you here! Icepaw is the smartest and most beautiful she-cat in the clan! In all the clans in fact! I love Icepaw and only Icepaw! Nothing you say or do can change that!"

Seedshine looked shocked, hurt, and angry. "What about me? Why can't you love me?" Seedshine sobbed. "I bet she doesn't even love you back!"

Darkpaw turned to Icepaw."Do you love me?"

Icepaw twined her tail with Darkpaw's and licked his cheek."I love you too Darkpaw," she purred.


I know that Icepaw has only been an apprentice for a day, but she had fallen for Darkpaw when they were kits. Next I'm going to update the allegiances.

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