Chapter 9

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Icepaw had to pass this test. It was her final assessment and she needed to pass it. Seedshine had been hanging around Darkheart way too much and Cherryclaw was in the nursery expecting Oakstripe's kits. Icepaw had found out last gathering that Sneezetail had two daughters named Leafkit and Antkit. The other clans cheered, but all of Thunderclan was giving Sneezetail the death glare. Icepaw had spotted a thrush up ahead and dropped into her best bird stalking crouch. Icepaw moved down wind and watched the bird while moving forward carefully. Something startled the bird and it took off. Icepaw leaped after it and caught it. She had jumped over some sort of barrier and fell into the tunnels. "Icepaw!" Oakstripe and surprisingly Tigerheart of Shadowclan ran over and clawed the barrier aside to look down at the apprentice. Icepaw had the bird in her jaws and had one paw lifted as if it was sprained or broken. "Icepaw, are you alright?" Oakstripe called down. Tigerheart stood next to him, worry clear on his face. 

"I'm alright," Icepaw called up. "Get me out of here so I can finish my assessment and become a warrior!" Tigerheart looked around wildly for a stick while Oakstripe went to get help. Tigerheart eventually came back with a long branch pushed it down into the hole. Icepaw climbed up with the thrush gripped firmly between her jaws. "Thanks Tigerheart," Icepaw whispered.

"Anything for Dovewing," she heard Tigerheart whisper. When Icepaw turned to look at Tigerheart, he was gone.

"Thank Starclan you're safe!" Icepaw heard Dovewing's voice and Oakstripe came up to Icepaw with Dovewing, Bumblestripe, Spottedpaw, Rainpaw, and Darkheart. "Oakstripe told us you were hunting when you fell into the tunnels."

Icepaw nodded and looked in the direction of the Shadowclan border. "Tigerheart found a branch and was able to help me get out," Icepaw saw her mother get a far away look in her eyes and saw what looked like love for the Shadowclan tom. 

"What was Tigerheart doing here?" Bumblestripe growled.

Oakstripe looked over at the enraged father. "Tigerheart told me he heard Icepaw shriek when she went down and ran over to see what happened. It's not everyday a cat falls into a hole," Bumblestripe nodded and circled his daughter.

Bumblestripe licked her head. "I'm just glad you're safe now."

Icepaw turned to Oakstripe with pleading eyes and Oakstripe nodded. Icepaw ran into the forest to finish her assessment. Every time she put her paw down she felt as if it was about to fall off. Icepaw slowed down when she saw the lake ahead and decided to hunt here. Icepaw saw a pair of squirrels scavenging up ahead. One was in a tree and the other was on the ground. Icepaw got in the hunter's crouch and stalked towards the squirrel slowly. When she got within range she pounced. Icepaw buried her thrush and squirrel and looked at the squirrel in the tree. Icepaw knew that she needed to catch this one to pass her test. Icepaw climbed up the tree on the opposite side and got on a branch above the squirrel. Icepaw dropped down and startled the squirrel. Before it had a chance to escape Icepaw killed it swiftly and climbed down the tree to gather her other prey. As Icepaw walked back to camp Oakstripe appeared out of the bushes and nodded to Icepaw. Icepaw did a little excited jump and ran to camp where the other seven were waiting for her, ignoring the pain it caused her. Icepaw limped up to the others and stood ready to recieve her warrior name. "Stormpaw, Rainpaw, Wildpaw, Fleetpaw, Icepaw, Larchpaw, Molepaw, and Spottedpaw step forward. Stormpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your life?"

Stormpaw stood with his head and tail held high. "I do!" he answered confidently.

"Then from this day forward you will be known as Stormnight. Starclan honors your kindness and bravery and we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan!" Bramblestar touched his muzzle to Stormnight's head and Stormnight licked his shoulder in return. This continued for the other six apprentices. Rainpaw became Rainheart, Wildpaw became Wildspirit, Fleetpaw became Fleetfoot, Larchpaw became Larchwing, Molepaw became Molepool, and Spottedpaw became Spottedpelt. It was finally Icepaw's turn and she was nervous, but wouldn't let it show. "Icepaw, do you promise to follow the warrior code and to defend and protect this clan with your life?"

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