Chapter 5

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Icepaw was on her way to her first gathering. Bramblestar had brought Jayfeather, Dewcloud, Crowfeather, Thornclaw, Lionblaze, Dovewing, Seedshine, Toadstep, Ivypool, Cherryclaw, Mousewhisker, Leafpool, Darkpaw, Shinepaw, Molepaw, Wildpaw, and Icepaw. She was walking next to Oakstripe and Dovewing. "Don't give away any information that could possibly be used against us," Oakstripe whispered to Icepaw. Icepaw nodded and noticed it was almost her turn to cross the tree bridge.

When Icepaw arrived in the clearing she stopped in her tracks. She had never seen so many cats in one place. She saw a golden she-cat walking towards her that had one red eye and one purple eye. Next to her was a dark brown tabby with light brown specks, white on his front legs going from his paws to his knees, and amber eyes. She sat down and nodded to the two warriors. "Hi I'm Icepaw," she said politely.

The she-cat smiled warmly at Icepaw. "I'm Runner and this is my mate Leafclaw. Why don't you come meet our kits. They're the same age as you," Icepaw nodded and followed the two warriors to a group of four Shadowclan apprentices. One of the she-cats was a pale brown with dark purple, almost black, eyes. "This is my daughter Jasminepaw," Icepaw and Jasminepaw nodded to eachother, but Icepaw sensed something off about her. Next Icepaw looked at a light brown tom with a black stripe going from his nose to his tail tip along his back, white paws, and one amber eye and one red eye. "This is my son Ponypaw," Icepaw nodded too Ponypaw who just flicked his ears. Icepaw then turned to look at the same black tabby with one red eye and one amber eye from her night raid. "This is Fallenpaw." Icepaw gave a nod of her head and Fallenpaw just stared at her. Last was a light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes. "This is my other daughter Honeypaw," Icepaw nodded and Honeypaw smiled. "So why don't you all get acquittanced while we go talk to some of the other warriors. Her four children nodded and the two headed off towards a group of Thunderclan and Riverclan warriors.

"So what's your name and who are your parents?" Honeypaw asked.

"I'm Icepaw. I'm from Thunderclan and my parents are Dovewing and Bumblestripe. The gray tom with the darker colored legs is my brother, Molepaw. I have two other siblings named Spottedpaw and Larchpaw, but they didn't come."

"Let the gathering begin!" Blackstar called. Blackstar nodded to Bramblestar for him to start.

Bramblestar stepped forward and everyone in the clearing looked up at him. Icepaw sat down between Honeypaw and Ponypaw. "Thunderclan has been blessed this past moon. We have eight new apprentices. Icepaw, Larchpaw, Molepaw, Spottedpaw, Wildpaw, Fleetpaw, Stormpaw, and Rainpaw. Icecloud has also given birth to four healthy kits named Mosskit, Bramblekit, Spiderkit and Bluekit. Cinderheart had four kits named Nightkit, Eclipsekit, Ashkit, and Hollykit. Prey is running well. That is all." Mistystar stepped forward next.

"All is well in Riverclan. Mossyfur has had two kits named Cheetahkit and Fogkit. We also have three new apprentices here tonight. Mudpaw, Turtlepaw, and Flightpaw. That is it." Mistystar stepped back as Blackstar stepped forward.

"Shadowclan is as strong as ever!" he boasted giving the other clans dirty looks. "We have four new apprentices. Jasminepaw, Ponypaw, Fallenpaw, and Honeypaw are all here tonight. Tawnypelt is also expecting her next litter of kits," Rowanclaw sat up proudly and Icepaw saw Bramblestar smile down at his sister. The cats around Tawnypelt congratulated her. "That is all Shadowclan has to report."

Onestar stood forward next and looked even more arrogant then Blackstar. "In Windclan we have two new apprentices. Rockpaw and Starlingpaw are here tonight. Whitetail also had three healthy kits named Opalkit, Grainkit, and Stripekit. The prey is running well in Windclan and we are prepared for any attack. That is all for Windclan," everyone in the clearing seemed to roll their eyes as one.

Ponypaw let out an irritated snort. "Onestar is such a worrier. Why would anyone attack another clan. After all we went through to survive the Dark Forest cats," all the other apprentices nodded their agreement.

Icepaw let out a small cough. "Blackstar attacked us about one or two moons ago."

Fallenpaw and Honeypaw's eyes widened in surprise. Ponypaw had a guilty look on his face and Jasminepaw looked as if she loved the thought of Shadowclan cats invading Thunderclan and unfairly attacking. "Me and Jasminepaw were at the attack," Ponypaw admitted looking shameful.

"We almost won too, but some stupid apprentice was able to cause Blackstar to call a retreat. I was just about to kill the kits in the nursery too," Jasminepaw spoke up. All the apprentices let out a surprised gasp and backed away from her. Jasminepaw looked confused until she realized what she just said. 

Icepaw's fur was bristling and she was standing with her claws unsheathed, her ears pinned to her head, and her lips drawn back in a snarl. "I'm the stupid apprentice that defeated Blackstar you pathetic piece of fox dung!" she snapped. Every cat in the clearing was watching the two and the moon shone brighter then ever. "If I ever meet you in battle I will send you to the Dark Forest where you belong! If you ever come near and harm any kits I will find you and I will make sure you get the punishment you deserve! You belong with Brokenstar!" A loud gasp came from all the cats in the clearing. Icepaw had the same evil glint in her eyes that Tigerstar did and she looked as fierce as Thistleclaw and Brokenstar. Her long claws were dug deep into the ground and the moon shining on her fur made her look like a cat straight out of the Dark Forest. Scars that Icepaw didn't even have shown on her fur and the silence that followed was broken by Bramblestar calling for Thunderclan to go home.

"Bye Icepaw!" Fallenpaw called after her as she followed her clan mates. Icepaw had now relaxed and waved her tail to show she had heard.

Wildpaw came up beside Icepaw and Darkpaw came up on her other side. "What was that?" Darkpaw and Wildpaw asked at the same time.

Icepaw flicked her ears and she still had the evil glint in her eyes. "That piece of crow food said she had tried to kill Thunderclan kits in that battle with Shadowclan a moon or two ago. Both toms let out shocked gasps. "I meant what I said. I will not tolerate those who threaten any kits."

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