Chapter 13

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Icepelt was finally going to a gathering. Cherryclaw had promised to watch her kits along with her son, Firekit an orange tabby with amber eyes. Icepelt's kits were three moons old now and would soon be out of the nursery. Mosspaw had done exceedingly well these last few moons and Oakstar was impressed. When Icepelt arrived she saw Onestar with Whitetail. The two had their tails twined and Icepelt had to ruin this moment. "It's nice being able to see your true love everyday, isn't it?" Icepelt growled. Onestar looked guilty and Whitetail was confused. "Whitetail, would you take another mate or love any other tom if Onestar lost his last life right now?" Whitetail shook her head. "What about you Onestar?" he also shook his head. "Yet Onestar you chose to call a retreat and then take Bramblestar's last life. He left his kits who aren't even warriors and his mate in the living world. You got to watch Heathertail grow into a fine warrior and see her have kits of her own. For Starclan's sake you have great-grandkits! Squirrelflight and Bramblestar were true mates and were meant to grow old together," Whitetailwas moving away fom Onestar and looked at him in shock. "Bramblestar never saw his kits become warriors and have kits of their own. All because you called a retreat and then killed Bramblestar. When you call a retreat that doesn't give you the right to keep fighting. You cheated just like Tigerstar," every cat in the clearing looked at Onestar with disguist and shock.

Rowanstar approached Onestar with Ratscar and Dawnpelt flanking him. "Is this true Onestar?" Onestar bowed his head in shame.

"Yes ... I really did call a retreat then took Bramblestar's last life before he could watch his kits grow to be warriors and have kits of their own like yours and mine and Mistystar's have," Rowanstar spat in disguist. All the leaders climbed the tree and Rowanstar went first.

"All is well in Shadowclan. There is plenty of prey even in this weather. We have a new apprentice named Blackpaw who is here tonight," Icepelt looked over to see a black she-cat with red paws and brown eyes. "Dawnpelt is expecting Ratscar's kits. Shadowclan would also like Tigerheart to come back to his rightful clan," Tigerheart was sitting with Sorreltail and Thornclaw.

Tigerheart shook his head. Oakstar took it upon himself to respond. "Have him. We don't want a cat who force mates others in our clan!" gasps of shock came form around the clearing. "Tigerheart is Larchwing, Molepool, Icepelt, and Spottedpelt's father. He forced Dovewing to mate with him even though she loves Bumblestripe," Buumblestripe growled at Tigerheart and put his tail around Dovewing's shoulders. "Now Thunderclan would like to report," Rowanstar dipped his head and the much larger tom stepped forward. "There is not much to report. Thunderclan is well fed and we want Tigerheart to go home!" Tigerheart slunk over to his sister Dawnpelt. "That is all for Thunderclan."

Onestar was going to go next, but Mistystar hissed at him and stepped forward. "All is well in Riverclan. We have scented some foxes, but it's nothing we can't handle. Riverclan has plenty of food and we have nothing else to report."

Onestar stepped forward and many cats turned their backs. "We have one new warrior. Antpaw is now Antfur," many cats congratulated the cat. "Whitetail is expecting kits," more cats congratulated Whitetail even if they didn't like the father. "That is all for Windclan," Onestar and the other leaders jumped down and Icepelt took her apprentice to meet Honeyfang and her siblings.

"Hey Icepelt!" Icepelt recognised Honeyfang's voice right away. "Meet my apprentice Blackpaw," Blackpaw was standing behind her mentor eyeing Icepelt warily. "Blackpaw, this is Icepelt of Thunderclan and her apprentice."

Icepelt smiled at the little cat. "This is my apprentice Mosspaw. Mosspaw, why don't you take Blackpaw to meet the other apprentices?" Mosspaw nodded and led Blackpaw over to where Eclipsepaw was with a group of Riverclan and Windclan apprentices. "How's Ponyfur anf Fallenleaf doing?" she asked her friend. "Are Runner and Leafclaw alright?"

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