Chapter one- First met

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"Kill yourself, Kellin."
"You're not loved."
"You don't have friends."
"They don't care."
"Just. Kill. Yourself."

"Hey there, you alright?" I snapped from my thoughts to a guy kneeling in front of me. He has shoulder length brown hair, his skin is a nice tan color and he is just plain beautiful. He has a look of worry on his face, but I mean he doesn't care he just wants to know.

"Yes. I'm fine." I said in a robotic tone.
"I don't think you are. I'm Vic, by the way."
I just looked at him and then looked down at my lap.
"What are you doing at the train station at this time of night?" He questioned.
Trying to kill myself.
"Nothing." I replied.
I heard that familiar rumble and the train horn.
I hear it blaring down the tunnel.
This is it.
This is the time.
I pushed this Vic guy away from me and sprinted to the tracks. This all happened in a matter of seconds but felt like minutes. One foot left the ground as I leaped forward. I was caught off guard at the feel of two strong arms wrapping around my waist. I was pulled back down to the ground I heard yelling coming from Vic. I felt such a wave of anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed at him through blurred vision.
"I'm not going to let you kill yourself." He stated.
"You don't even fucking know me what makes you think you can choose my life choices?" Before I knew it I was bawling and falling to my knees when I felt him grab me by the arms and pick me back up. He started leading me away and I didn't really care at this point. He led me to his car (which I don't understand why he was in the subway if he has a car). He opened the passenger side and slid me inside. He got in and started the car.
"What's your address so I can take you home?"
I don't want to go home.
"729 South Park place."
He took off and I just stared blankly out the window.
After a few minutes he asked,
"I never got your name."
"Kellin." I simply stated.
He nodded his head and we slipped back into silence. I leaned my head against the window and a simple tear escaped my eye.
"Do you want to tell me why you Tried to kill yourself?" He asked with a sympathetic tone.
"Well then I'll tell your parents."
I looked at him.
"Why do you fucking care so much about some suicidal boy."
"Because I do now tell me or it goes to your parents."
I stayed silent.
He sighed and pulled the car over.
"Kellin.. Talk to me. I know I'm a stranger but I really do ca-"
"Don't fucking tell me you care because I know you don't so stop bullshitting me!" By then I was crying again and he embraced me in his arms. I tried pulling away but he wouldn't let me so I just gave up. I sobbed into his chest and cursed myself for even being alive.
"I HATE MYSELF, I HATE MYSELF, I HATE MYSELF." I yelled. He just held me tighter.
After what seemed like hours, I pulled out of the hug.
"Kellin, I won't make you tell me tonight and I won't tell your parents. But," he grabbed my phone and started typing something in.
"I want you to call me tomorrow when you wake up. Are your parents home tonight?"
I shook my head no.
"Will you be safe?"
Probably not.
"Yeah, I'll be okay."
"Okay. Well. I don't care what time it is, if you need anything, call me. Okay?"

After about 10 minutes we pulled up in front of my house. He stopped the car and we sat in silence.
"Thanks for the ride."
"It's not a problem. Goodnight, Kellin."
And with that I got out of the car and walked up to my house.
As soon as I closed the door I started crying and anxiety started rising from the pit of my stomach. I dashed up the stairs taking 2 at a time and ran to my room. I opened my drawers and took out a razor blade. Without second thoughts, I started making gashes at my arm.
Blood started dropping down my arm.

No no no no no
"Get away."
"I'm only trying to help."
The dark figure at my door started slowly, I don't know, bending down? It looked at me And I saw the most horrible face I've ever seen.
It smiled at me and started crawling towards me.
I started frantically screaming.
"Get away from me! Get away!"
"Kellin!" It kept yelling.
I put my head in my hands and started screaming.
"Get away, get away, get away!"
My screams became echoing and the word "Kellin" started coming more clear.
"Kellin, snap out of it!"
I shot my head up and started screaming again
"Don't hurt me please"
I started hitting at whatever.
"Kellin calm down I'm not going to hurt you!" Someone grabbed my arms and I slowly opened my eyes.
Vic was holding my arms from hitting him again and he was in front of my face looking scared that I was going to start screaming again.
"Kellin. What is wrong, what happened?"
"Kellin.." He looked at my arm.
"Why did you do this?" He looked at me with pleading eyes.
I just closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall. I felt warm tears come from my eyes.
I felt Vic pick me up from the floor and carry/half drag me to the bathroom.
He sat me on the toilet and grabbed a wash cloth from underneath the cupboard.
He got it wet with warm water and pressed it to my arm. I flinched at the pain.
"You told me you would be safe."
I stayed silent.
"Please, please talk to me."
"Kellin, I want to help you."
He sighed and stood up. He searched through the first aid kit and grabbed gauze and started wrapping my arm. I just stared at the ground feeling as emotionless as I look. Vic pulled me up from the toilet and took my back to my room. He sat on my bed and pulled me down with him. He was sitting cris-cross and my head was in his lap. I just stared at the wall. For what seemed like hours, I drifted off to a sleep.

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