Chapter Six

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Vic's POV

Im currently sitting in the waiting room of the hospital because the man I love is currently dying because he tried saving my sorry ass. God if I wasn't so fucking dumb this wouldn't  be happening right now but of course it is.

I saw the doors open and my brother Mike run in.

"Vic oh my god what happened? Is Kellin okay?"
"I don't know."
He sat down in the chair next to me.
"I want exactly what happened. Every single detail." He said sternly.
I shook my head. "Mike..-"
"No don't you Mike me what happened."
I might as well just come out with it.

"Fine. Basically what happened is I got drunk, went to the train station, stepped out in front of a train because I wanted to kill myself, kellin comes running in, pushed me out front in front of the train, I then grabbed his arm to pull him with me but I was too late. While I was pulling him away the train still hit him but not with as bad of an impact as it would if I hadn't moved him. So basically I tried killing myself but instead in a way I basically half way killed him because I don't even know if he's going to survive."
I looked at Mike and he had tears streaming down my face and I've literally never seen Mike cry.
"Mike please don't c-"
"Don't you dare tell me not to fucking cry or be upset because I just found out my brother was about to kill himself and that his boyfriend and basically my friend is about to die."
I looked down at my lap and started crying myself. Mike wrapped his arms around me and we cried Into each other's shirts.

"M-Mike I'm scared."
"I know Vic, I am too."

"Is anyone here for... Kellin Quinn Bostwick?" A nurse asked.
Mike and I stood up.
"We are." He answered.

"Well... I don't really know what to say. Damages are pretty bad. Because of the speed and impact from the train, it broke 3 of Kellins ribs, broke his entire left leg, and caused internal bleeding which we do have under control. Uh, the most bad thing about this is.. Well.. At this point he's in such bad condition we don't know if he's going to make it so I would say goodbyes maybe too."

My. Heart. Stopped.

"W-well can I- can I go see him?" I asked through sobs.

"Go ahead. Room 245."
Mike and I ran through the doors

Here's his room.

I opened the door to reveal a small, frail, damaged boy laying in bed. He doesn't even look alive.

"Kellin baby oh my god." I ran over to Kellin and grabbed his hand.
He softly turns his head towards me.
"Vic? Vic I hurt." He said in a raspy tone.
I can't help but cry again.
"I know baby I know but you have to fight it you can't die on me.
"But you were going to die on me."
That hit hard. I knew he was telling the truth.

"Yes Kellin I know but I wasn't thinking straight please please don't go Kellin I'm begging you."
Kellin sighed.

"Vic I can't keep doing this to you."
"Doing what?"
"Hurting you. Vic I'm in the way of everything. I can't keep doing this. I love you so much Vic but... We.."
"No. No you're not doing what I think you're doing."
"Vic, it'll be for the best of us. Two suicidal people put together doesn't make anything good. Please baby just listen to me."
"Kellin no I'm not leaving you not by yourself."
He sighed and a tear trickled down his cheek.
"Dammit Vic why do you keep making this harder than it has to be. I can't keep holding you back."
"No Kellin no! I'm the one who just fucking tried killing myself and you're the one who risked your fucking life for me not to! You might fucking die Kellin!"
"I- what?"
"They didn't tell you did they."
"Tell me what?"
"Kellin the nurse told me you might not make it."
He started instantly crying.
"No Vic no I wanted to die but not like this I- no no no" he started bawling and cursing himself.
"Kellin please-"
"Vic I want you to go."
"Kellin please don't-"
I looked at him for a moment. I sighed. I stood up and kissing his beautiful lips for one last time for all I know. I wiped a tear from kellins eye.
"I'll be back Kellin."
He just nodded. I walked towards the door and looked at him one last time.
"I love you Kellin."
"I love you too, Vic."

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