Chapter Seven

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Kellins POV

So I got out of the hospital about two months ago. Yes, I know. I've been ignoring Vic. But what am I supposed to do?? I can't have us both together. It's a bad thing. But us two together just isn't... Healthy I guess? Sure, I saved his life but.. I don't know.

I got another text from Vic and my heart sped up. He was telling me how he had his first big gig tonight and everyone loved them. He said he wrote a song about me and my heart melted.

iMessage: from kellin (me)
Oh my gosh Vic I'm so proud of you. And you did? I would love to-

I stopped typing. Kellin you're supposed to leave Vic alone not talk to him more. I deleted what I was typing and Vic sent another message.

iMessage: from Vic
Kellin. Please. Please talk to me.

I sighed and locked my screen once more.

"GOD DAMIT KELLIN." I yell at myself.
"KELLIN FUCKING BOSTWICK." I hear my dad yell and start stomping up the stairs. oh god. Here it comes. He bursts  through my room and walks over to me. He draws his hand back and slaps me hard.
"I told you no fucking yelling in this house!"
Wow funny because you're yelling. I thought to myself.
"I've had a shitty day and you're adding onto it!" He yelled. He threw my from me bed onto the floor. He pinned my arms down and I struggled underneath him. He drew his arm back and collided his fist with my face. He did that a few times before he finally spoke.
"Stand up." He demanded. I did as I was told under my shaky legs.
"Take your shirt off." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"I said take your fucking shirt off!" He yelled. I slowly took it off as his eyes scanned up and down my bare chest.
He took his own off and then slammed his body against mine into the wall.
He wouldn't do it.
He can't.
He's my dad.
He won't.

But he's going to.

"Now listen here kellin, don't tell your mom." And that's when it happened.

3 hours later
Kellin's POV

I'm currently sitting on my bed staring at the razor blades I have laid out in front of me.
Vic wouldn't want me to do it.
Vic isn't here you fuck. 
My head replied.
Fuck it.

I picked one up and made a deep, neat line across my arm. It was white at first but blood started seeping through. I smiled.

I made another one right below it.
And another,
And another,
And another,
And another,
And another,
And another.

My arm was a dripping mess. I went to the bathroom to clean my arm up and when I was done, I caught I glimpse of myself in the mirror. I turned and looked at myself.

My hair was tangled and messy, I had bags under my eyes, my cheeks were sucked in more because of my lack of eating, my bones stuck out, and I looked horrible.

I ran into my room and locked my door and cried. I cried and cried and cried. I can't do this anymore. I need Vic. I need him I can't keep my distance any longer.

I reach for my phone and go to Vics contact. I push the call and the phone starts ringing.


I heard him pick up.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Vic.." I whispered into the phone.
"Kellin I-..."
He stopped and it was just silent.

"Vic I hurt myself"
"What? Kellin why?"
"Come over."
"I- okay yeah I'm coming." And then the line went dead. I dropped my phone next to me and sat in the corner of my bed.

Not too much longer I heard a knock at the door. Before I could answer it Vic just let himself in. I heard him run up the stairs and down the hallway to my room. He opened the door and we made eye contact for the first time in 2 months.

"Kellin.." He whispered. He dropped his car keys on my desk and climbed on my bed. He crawled over and grabbed me from the corner I was sitting in. He pulled me into his lap and I started crying. This is going pretty fast for us not talking in 2 months.

"Kellin show me."
I hesitated.
"Kellin please.." He whispered into my hair. He pulled my arm away from his stomach and pulled up my sleeves. His breathing hitched and I looked up at him. He had glossy eyes. He ran his fingers along my arm. He pulled my arm up to his lips and kissed every inch of my arm. He looked at me with sadness  in his deep, brown eyes.

"Kellin, why?"
I got a lump in my throat.
"Kellin." He said more firm.

"I don't know." He pulled my off of his lap and stood up.

"Don't you fucking tell me nothing Kellin. You obviously did it for some sort of reason. You call me after ignoring me for 2 months saying you cut yourself and now you won't tell me why?" He emphasized the word 'why'.

"Because I can't!"
"Then why did you tell me to come?! Huh?!"
"Because I was scared!"
"Kellin I can't fucking help you if you don't tell me why! Dammit Kellin I miss you so fucking much and now after 2 Months of you ignoring me you come calling saying that you hurt yourself and crying and I am scared out of my Mind what's going on in your head and I can't lose you Kellin! Not again. Now you tell me what fucking happened." He yelled.

"I.. I, just can't."
"It's true Vic!"
"That's bullshit Kellin. Has your dad been beating you again or something or someone else? What is it Kellin!"
After he said it the color drained from my face.

Vic's POV.

"That's bullshit Kellin. Has your dad been beating you again or something or someone else? What is it Kellin!" Immediately after I said it the color drained from his face.

I knew it.

"Take your shirt off Kellin."
"I said take it off."
"And I said no." He sassed.
So, I did what I had to do. I walked over to him and I grabbed ahold of the bottom of his shirt. He struggled and tried pushing me away. He may be a little taller than I am but he isn't stronger than I am.
"Kellin stop struggling!"
"No!" He yelled.
I finally got his shirt over his head and it was such a horrible sight.
His ribs stuck out and his stomach area caved in. He had shades of blue, purple, and black marks against his skinny body. They led down to his hips and,... You know where.

He looked at the floor.
"Why are the bruises so.. Low?"
His eyes shot up at me.
"O-oh no r-reason he just yanno hit me w-wherever and I couldn't  stop it so I mean.."
"You are such a horrible liar." I told him.

"He touched you didn't he?"
He nodded.
"I'm going to kill him."
He looked me in the eye.
"No Vic please no I don't want you getting hurt."

"God dammit Kellin this isn't a fucking book or a movie where the other one getting hurt refuses to let the other do something! This isn't a fucking game, Kellin! This is real life and you are in danger! Do you not fucking get that? I'm tried of you not letting me not do anything! Now I am telling whether you fucking like it or not!"
By now he was in tears.
"Vic no no please Vic I know this is real and what you don't get is I am scared. I'm scared what's gonna happen to me."

I sighed and walked over and pulled the small boy into my arms.

"It's gonna be okay Kellin."


hey guys okay I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile I was away at warped tour holy shit. I was 2 feet away from fucking Mike Fuentes. I met Jordan sweeto, Bryan Stars, and Damon fizzy. Johnnie got sick sadly. I almost met set it off, mod son, escape the fate, and nick major. If you guys wanna look at the pictures my Instagram is

@ ptvhana

I will follow back if you follow ❤️ anyways, I'm having other book ideas so I'm thinking on starting another book. It'll obviously be Kellin. OKAH bye.

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