Chapter Two

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"Kellin Quinn get down here right now!"
Oh god. My dad is home.
"Yes I'm coming!" I lugged myself down the stairs into the kitchen were my angry, obviously drunk dad stood.
"Why the hell is this place not cleaned up? Huh?"
"I didn't know I was the maid now." I regretted it the instant I said it.
"What did you tell me?" He sneered.
"Dad I-I'm sorry I didn't mean it."
"Oh yes you did."
He brought his arm back and punched me square in the jaw. It rattled my head and I fell backwards. He picked me up by the shirt and kneed me in the stomach. I grunted and doubled over. He stood me up straight.
"You deserve this all."
He threw me down and kicked me in the ribs I don't know how many times. He got up and left the house when he was done. I was now in tears whimpering of my pain. I crawled over to where I dropped my phone and grabbed it. I dialed Vic's number and impatiently waited.
"Vic.." I barley managed to get out as a whisper.
"Kellin? Kellin what's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I hurt. It hurts so bad Vic p-please come to my house please." I choked out between sobs.
"I'll be there soon stay where you are Kellin."
With that he hung up. I stay laying on the floor unable to move. It felt like so long that I was laying there when I heard Vic knock.
"Kellin? Kellin?" He didn't wait for a reply he just opened the door. He looked around until he saw me laying on the floor.
"Kellin oh my god." He ran over to me and got on his knees.
"Kellin oh my god you're bleeding Kellin what happened? Did your parents do this? Who did it?"
"M-my dad."
His face dropped.
"God Kellin I'm so sorry." He helped me get up and he sat me down in a chair. He got wet paper towels and wiped the blood off of my lip and nose. He then grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer. He wiped a towel around it and led me to my living room. He sat down and pulled me on his lap and told me to put it on my forehead. I then leaned against him and sighed.
"Kellin you told me your parents didn't hurt you."
I stayed silent.
"He pulled me in for a hug and I started crying into his chest.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"There's no need to be."
We just sat in silence.
"Hey Kellin I know this is weird and a bad time but can I talk to you about something?"
"Yeah anything." I said.
"So.. I'm assuming you're gay, right?"
"I don't know if I am."
I sat up.
"So you're just using me then and just trying to lead me on?"
He looked scared.
"No no no Kellin no that's not what I meant"
"Okay then what."
"You make me feel different. I know it's been like a week but you... I don't know.. You make me feel so different."
I really like Vic to be honest but I obviously can't tell him that.
"You can always talk to me about it."
"I know that's why I am. Like when you kissed me for example. I swear I was straight but when our lips touched I felt something.

We just sat in silence.


Vic's POV

Right now I'm currently sitting in my room yelling and crying at myself. I just got in another fight with Mike and he keeps threatening to leave. I can't lose him too.
I'm pacing around my room and tugging at my hair. I'm trying not to cut. Half because I don't want Kells to find out and half because I've been clean for a month.

Fuck that.

I grab a blade and start cutting away at my leg. After I was done I was relieved.
My phone started to ring and it scared the living hell Out of me.
It was Kellin.

"Hi Kells."
"Kells?" He questioned.
"Yeah. That's my new nickname for you.
"I like it."
I let out a soft laugh.
"How are you today Vic?"
"I'm amazing, how are you?"
"I'm okay I guess."
"Has anything recently happened with your parents?"
"No, no not recently."
"Good. Great actually."
"Yeah I guess so.."
There was a moment of silence.
"Hey Vic?"
"Do you wanna come over or something?"
"Uhh.. Yeah, yeah sure."
"Okay. Great."
"I'll be there in about 10. See ya then, Kells."
I pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and cringed at the pain on my thighs. I pulled on an hoodie.
I Grabbed my wallet and my keys and walked out to my car. It was a quiet drive.
I got to Kellins house and walked up to the door. I knocked three times and waiting. The door knob jiggled and Kellin appeared in front of it.

"Hey v- hey what's wrong why were your crying?" His face flashed with concern.
"I'm not. Or I wasn't."
"Vic, your eyes are red and puffy."
I sighed.
"Come in." Kellin ushered me inside and brought me up to his room. It was a typical teenage boys room. Band posters and messy floor. He sat me on his bed and took my hands in his.
"Vic, talk to me. What's up?"
"Kells, it really isn't anything. I just fought with Mike."
"What was the fight about?"
"I don't know really."
Kellin leant forward and connected our lips. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I just melt into this kid. Our lips moved perfectly together. I tangled my fingers in his hair and held onto him for dear life. I bit his bottom lip and he let out a soft moan. I smiled into the kiss, knowing I found one of his weak spots.
He ran his hands up my chest and wrapped them around my neck. He gridded his hips against mine. A moan escapes me.
Kellin goes to pull off my shirt and I let him. He pushed me down on the couch, but I stopped him.
"What?" He asked out of breath.
"No Kells, I top not you." I flipped us around and I kissed his jaw. I went to his neck and softly sucked on it. He made a little gasp. Means I'm doing something right.
He goes to undo my jeans at it comes back that he can't know what I did.

"Kellin." I push his hand away.
"Vic I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to like.. I-I'm so sorry-"
"Kellin, calm down. It's okay. Really it's okay." I leant down and kissing his soft lips once more before pulling him back up. I put my shirt back on and we sit on the couch.
"I like you, Kellin."
He just smiled and shook his head.
"What?" I questioned.
"I know you'll leave just like
Everyone else."
"Now kellin, why would I do that?"
He shrugged his shoulders. I wish I knew what went on in that pretty little head of his.

Just A Little Bit BrokenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon