Chapter 17: "Hellllooo" and Cute?

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After a couple sobs and a few sniffles here and there, I had finally calmed down and told everyone my little tale.

"So you're saying Herobrine is..." Cupa trailed off with a face terror.

"My brother... yes..." I responded staring intently at the others.

We had made our way to the couches and just talked about what happened when I was out. I was surprised to find out that I have been asleep for roughly an hour.

"So whats the plan?" Skelly asked which no one responded. Just then, Zoey rose from her seat, probably about to add some significant information to the matter at hand.

"On a side note, I'm hungry." Zoey spoke which caused me to lower my head in disappointment.

"Dont you think of anything else besides stuffing your gut?" Cecil asked in an annoyed tone which Zoey responded with a stomach grumble.

Just then, Andrea teleported beside me which I turned my head in surprise to her. I still wasn't to her just teleporting anywhere like that.

"Hey Andrea, is there something you need?" I asked expecting her to just blush like crazy and teleport away. But the thing is, she didn't, "Hellllloooooo..."

Even with my attempts to distort her seemingly empty gaze, she just continued. At this point everyone were just staring at Andrea, wondering what was up with her.

Just then, Andrea opened her mouth and some strange noise started to echo out through out the room. The noise was so irritating that everyone had to cover their ears just so they dont hear it as much. Then, it began to die down and the sounds of someone repeating the word 'hello' began to emit from Andrea.

We all stared at Andrea even more intently. Not just that the voice that was coming from Andrea wasn't hers or that she wasn't moving her mouth but it was the voices of our deity friends that shocked everyone.

"Hey, can you guys hear us?" Ray shouted which a follow up presumably shoves and tugs could be heard.

"Dont tell me you broke her!" The voice of Troy could be heard, "Shes a rental!"

"I dont think you should be referring to her as a rental." Wiggy spoke from the background, "And if we did break her we could say that she just died from natural causes or whatever."

"I dont think they will believe that." Icarus said

"And why is that?" Wiggy asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Because we can hear everything you say." I answered which caused a simultaneous gulping sound to occur from the open-mouth Andrea.

"Hey, you can hear us! Thats wonderful!" Wiggy shouted with the way she said in unconvincing way, "Hey, about all that stuff that we said before, we were just testing you to see if it was really working!"

It was at this moment, that everyone in the room rolled their eyes simultaneously.

"Now that we know you can hear us, lets get down to business." Icarus stated

"Before we do, I want to know why you decided to communicate in this way." I asked staring at the seemingly sleeping enderwoman.

"Well, that can be answered once you come and get us." Icarus replied which caused me to raise an eyebrow.

"Come and get you?" I asked in a questing tone which Ray just shouted in me ear 'Just hurry up!', along with the area they were in and ended the transmission, "Well I guess I gotta go get them."

Just then, Andrea's mouth closed and her gaze twisted and turned all around the room until it stopped at me which at this moment I realized how close I was to Andrea's face. She may have noticed it herself as she quickly teleported away and the sounds of muffled whimpers could be heard from one of the upstairs bedrooms: I assume Andrea's room.

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