Chapter 9: Gift Galour and Happy Times

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Last time on "The Tale of Mobs and Steve"...
Welcome home, Steve!" They also took turns giving Steve a peak on his cheek with a kiss. Steve was in awe again and all he was able to utter out was, "What was that about?!"

This time...
Steve's POV
I was expecting an answer but all I got was a simultaneous giggle from all of the and a few chuckles from behind me.
"Well Steve, it looks like you have gotten comfortable here." Ray commented with a smile
"What do you mean by that?" I asked with a confused tone
"What he means is that you have the mobs that once tried to kill you, waiting by your door, to give you a welcome home kiss." Troy added on with the same smile as Ray
"Wait, thats not wh-!" I was about to say when Wiggy interrupted me
"Oh Steve, if you have all these waiting for you to give you a kiss, who knows what else you've been making them do." Wiggy said in a disappointed tone
"Such vulgarity." Icarus said, "But hey, fishes gotta swim and birds gotta fly. Its the reason why you got those reproductive organs."
The rest of them nodded in agreement. I was shocked, I turned towards the girls, hoping they may be able to help me reason with these gods, but they just stayed quiet, blushing like crazy. After all my hopes were down the drain, so I went with plan B.
"Hey, didn't you guys say you had presents for us?!" I said with desperation in my voice
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot." Wiggy said
My plan worked, I was in the clear.
"Yeah, we were so busy talking about how Steve is a huge woman hoarder, we forgot about the presents." Ray said as they nodded in agreement and I slumped my head in defeat.

We all went into the living room because it seemed like the right place to go when opening presents. The first gift was for Cecil, she got a grappling hook that looked like a spider.
"Oh... wow, its... its... Ok, what is this?" Cecil asked
"Its a spider grappling hook." Icarus started, "Its like a normal grappling hook but it can shoot out up to eight spider webs that can stick to any surface. It also has a spider summoner that sends a sound wave that will summon spiders to follow your orders, by speaking into the spider grappling hook and rendering it so it sound like a spider."
"Oh man, thats so cool!" Cecil said and she decided to try it out. I wasn't sure what she was saying but all of a sudden a ton of spiders showed up out of nowhere and began to crawl onto me (I was freaking out, can you imagine having thousands of tiny legs grabbing you). They picked me up and carried me to the seat next to Cecil, all the girls glared at Cecil and she just stuck her tongue out at them.
"Yes, it works!" She said as she fist pumped the air
"Ok, here is your gift Andrea." Wiggy said handing Andrea a black neckless with a swirling bulb in the center of it.
"A neckless..." Andrea said
"Its not just a neckless." Wiggy started, "Its the Ender collar, it has the power of powerful endermen that roamed Minecraftia for centuries, with this neckless you have the ability to summon multiple ender arms from your back, makes copies of yourself to fight for you and an ender screech that can tear through trees like their paper. Isn't that lovely?"
I was a little freaked out by Wiggy for saying something like that, shes the goddess of nature, but I was more surprised to me being taken into the air from a hand that placed me next to Andrea and retracted into her back, which she then began to scoot closer to me, blushing like crazy, Cecil pouted in her chair with defeat. She must've noticed I was looking at her and retreated her crimson cheeks into her turtle neck.
"Up next is Skelly." Troy said handing a bone bow, "This bow is made out of the bones of many mythical creatures found in not just Minecraftia but in other worlds. With this bow you would be able to fire arrows at such a tremendous speed your opponent wont be able to even see you pull the arrow out of your quiver."
"Wow, can it do anything else?" Skelly asked curiously
"Of course!" Troy started, "The bow gives the holder the ability to fire elemental arrows, such as: fire arrows, water arrows, wind arrows, vortex arrows, portal arrows and so on"
"What do portal arrows do? Skelly asked
"Portal arrows is just what the name says, you fire one arrow and it opens up a portal then you fire another arrow and it will make another portal, linking both portals together ."
"I see..." Skelly said as she fired an arrow on the seat next to her then fired another on the seat I was sitting at. I immediately got teleported next to Skelly, she then smiled of victory as the girls darted their eyes of daggers towards Skelly.
"Heres yours, Zarah." Ray said as he handed Zarah a giant hammer
"Woah, this thing is huge!" Zarah said as she lifted the hammer into the air, swinging it left to right
"That hammer is called Wrath. It was once wielded by the great king of zombies." Ray exclaimed, "Which I ended up over-throning a few hundred years ago."
"What can this baby do?" Zarah asked
"Well, it has the ability to allow the user to jump high into the air and smash the hammer into its enemy with great force, the hammer is so powerful that not even an iron golem can stay on its feet after being hit with just minority of the power it holds and it can even summon shockwaves that makes anything fall to its feet."
"Interesting..." Zarah said as she swung the hammer onto the ground causing a small shockwave to rumble through the house, everyone was holding onto something to keep from flying out of their chair, except for me and I went flying into the air, landed on the couch, into Zarah's lap, she then hugged me until I couldn't breath anymore.
"And for Cupa..." Icarus sId as he handed Cupa a pair of fingerless gloves and shoes with a same green patterns as her jacket. "These are what I like to call, the "Creeper Combo", the name says it all for them. The shoes will allow the wear to move faster by focusing small blasts of explosions into their feet, propelling them into a direction, the gloves are similar to the shoes as they will focus small explosions into the hands when it takes impact to an object. Combining these together will make you one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand martial arts fighter in the land."
"Ohh..." Cupa said and I knew I was going to be another test subject so I decided to get up and walk away before anything happens, but I was too slow as Cupa stomped her feet causing an explosion to rumble beneath our feet propelling me back into the air (Im nostalgic right now), landing in the couch and my head lying on Cupa's lap, which she then began to lower her face towards mine. I knew where this was going, so I immediately sat up.
"So, um... is there s-something for me." I asked nervously
"Why yes there is." Wiggy began
"We decided to get you something that you would work with really well." Troy continued
"We thought about a sword that was made of that was out of the strongest materials in Minecraftia." Ray added on
"But then we noticed that you already had a sword made out of the strongest material in minecaft." Icarus said, "So we improvised."
As Icarus finished the train, Ray took out a pair of black and blue gauntlets, black and white boots and black and gold fedora hat.
"Woah!" I said in astonishment
"We knew you would say that." Wiggy said
"Their amazing!" I said again in astonishment
"We knew you would say that too." Troy said
"We combined are powers together to create the perfect attire for you." Ray said
"Allow me to explain what abilities you gain with these in your possession." Icarus started, "The fedora is like a helmet but it is much stronger and durable than a diamond helmet and more stylish, the boots are able to give the wearer increased speed, jump, slowly increases strength in the body and allows you to walk on walls and ceilings and last but not least, the gauntlets is your main offensive weapon and your defensive armor, this will allow you to focus your energy into your fists to increase how hard you hit something and will also protect you from any upcoming damage from melee to archery to magic."
"This is amazing!" I said and as I said this, Wilbur came up to me wearing a diamond helmet, "Where did you get that from little guy?"
"I gave it to him." Ray started, "It would have been unfair for everyone to get a present and he had to be left out."
"I always knew you were a softie on the inside, covered up with a shell of ugly." Troy joked
"Why dont you go feed that mutt you call a pet." Ray retaliated
Everyone began to laugh at the two bickering towards each other. I wish it could stay like this, maybe it will be like this... you know... after the war...

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