Chaoter 6: A Good Morning and The Truth...

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Hey guys and gals! Welcome to the sixth chapter of "The Tale of Mobs and Steve." This is a continuation of the last chapter, so I'm just telling you this so you don't get confused, anyway enjoy the read and be sure to leave a comment to tell me what I am doing wrong, share the story with your friends, your brother, your sister, your dog and favorite it to show your love. Cya!

Steve's POV

Ok, this whole hugging thing was starting to get tiring. I sat there in my bed as these girls topple me like I just got back from a long journey and I felt like my lung was being punctured by an arrow, which it was! I yelped a bit to notify them of the excruciating pain from the arrow and my bones being crushed. They were really strong. They quickly backed up to give me some air and waited patiently to hear what I had to say.

"So..." I started, "I guess I should get breakfast ready."

Before I was even able to get out of bed Andrea spoke up, "Hey, wait a minute!"

"You just woke up after fainting" Cupa continued.

"So, we will cook you some breakfast." Cecil said with a smirk.

"Yeah, even though you didn't make me anything to eat yesterday." Zarah said

Skelly gave Zarah a nudge, probably telling her that's not what your suppose to say, idiot! As Zarah rubbed her arm where Skelly nudged her and gave her a glare. I laughed at the sight of this.

"Well, if it means showing off my amazing cooking skills..." Skelly started, "Then I guess I can whip something up to make you get better."

"I will be looking forward to that wonderful dish you will make." I said gleefully

Skelly's face began to change from pale white to flourished red as she turned away from me. I think I saw a little grin from the corner of her mouth.

"Alright!" Cupa started, "Let's get started!"

As the girls ran down stairs to start their buffet of dishes, I lied back into bed to get some more sleep because I felt really tired for some reason. As I entered my dreams, it felt strange, I saw memories that I never knew I had. Then I started to remember, my meeting with The God of the Hunting, The God of Life and The God of War. It made me wonder, where did all these memories come from and why couldn't I remember them from before. My head started to hurt (now that's something, I got a headache in my head, in my head!) I was abruptly awoken from my dream as a heavy piece of mass landed on me. I quickly opened my eyes to see a tray of... I think... food, sitting on top of me.

"Uh... what is this?" I said with a worried tone

"Well, first off..." Cupa started, "We all decided to make something that we knew how to make the best. So I made "Gunpowder Pudding" which is made from real TNT gunpowder!"

"Um... I made... a salad with Enderpearl Shavings..." Andrea said nervously

"Where did you get the shavings from?" I asked

Her faced flushed with red and she turned away and replied, "I can't tell you that!"

Then Cecil continued the train, "I made "Bug Casserole" a spider's favorite food. Bugs!"

"Well I guess you would like it... if you were a spider!" Zarah exclaimed as she presented her dish, "I made "Zombie Jerky" I got it from my own flesh, that way you will always have a piece of me with you."

I almost barfed after hearing all that but I didn't want to disappoint her so I did my best to give my oh very impressive face. It made her happy but at what cost!

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