Chapter Twenty-five

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Maaz walked back into Murtasim's room to find him sitting against the bed on his phone. Maaz yanked the phone out of his hand and pocketed it into his trousers.

"Yeh kya batamizi hai?"

{What is this nonsense?!}

Maaz ignored him and moved back to take a seat on the couch.

If his brother wasn't going to listen and take care of his health, Maaz didn't have any option but to give him the silent treatment.

"Maaz! I'm asking you something!" Murtasim warned yet Maaz didn't pay any heed to his words and started to use his own phone, going over the file he needs to submit today.

Murtasim sighed, yet leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes. Maaz glanced up, looking at the tired face seemed to infuriate him further. It's clearly visible that his brother is unwell yet he is stilll hell-bent on ignoring his health and focusing on his so called work.

He retrieved the soup from one of the workers and took a seat next to Murtasim on the bed who tiredly opened his eyes.


Maaz silently forwarded a spoon filled with soup in front of the elder's mouth. "I'll have it, aren't you getting later for work?"

Maaz didn't move from his spot and continued to stare at him silently, still holding the spoon.

Murtasim sighed, but opened his mouth and let Maaz feed him.

He tried to engage in a conversation with his younger brother, yet Maaz didn't relent continuing his silent treatment. When the bowl was empty, Maaz placed it on the table and called in a maid.

"I'm leaving for work, if anything comes up then don't hesitate to call me. I've placed the phone on the bedside drawer" Maaz informed, though he was speaking to the worker, Murtasim was able to understand the words were aimed at him.


Maaz walked out of the room, giving a final glance to his brother. Murtasim sighed, running a hand through his hair tiredly. Eventually, he laid down, sleep overtaking his features.


Majed strutted in, outshining everyone in the company. A black, Armani tuxedo complimented his body well. It was perfectly fit. His straight hair yet had a hint of curls, was brushed back.

Majed, walked up to the reception, spotting a lady behind the desk, who was dressed in a tight-fitted dress. He tapped the desk two times, laying out instructions, "I want the meeting room set up! Send someone to arrange it well and place a copy of the document on each seat for today's presentation. I have sent an email, get it printed and sent to the room!"

She stared at him stunned, but when Majed raised his eyebrow, she immediately took a notepad and started to jot down notes. "It'll be done, sir."

"Majed sir, is Mr.Khan coming in late today?" She questioned.

Majed shook his head, "He won't be coming to the company today."

The lady stared, bewildered at that, "The meeting, sir?"

"I'll handle that!" Majed answered before making his way to their shared office.

Taking a seat, he opened his laptop. Skim reading the details for today's meeting, he picked up a pen jotting down some information on a post-it note.

Majed glanced up when there was a knock on the door, "Come in!"

"Sir, the meeting room has been prepared."

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