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Warning⚠.  (Idk)

3rd person pov:

Five months had passed since Russia had been under Soviet’s watchful eye, focusing on his recovery. Despite the progress, the emotional and physical scars still lingered. Russia's longing for his siblings grew with each passing day, and the isolation gnawed at his spirit.

One evening, Russia gathered his courage and approached Soviet, who was engrossed in reading reports. His heart pounded in his chest as he prepared to plead his case.

“Father, please,” Russia’s voice was filled with desperation. “I need to see my siblings. It’s been too long. I can’t bear the loneliness any longer.”

Soviet glanced up, his expression stern. “You’re not ready, Russia. Your recovery is still incomplete.”

“But I miss them so much,” Russia continued, his eyes pleading. “I promise I’ll be careful. I just need to see them.”

Soviet’s initial response was a firm denial. "We’ve talked about this before, Russia. You need to focus on getting better."

Russia’s eyes welled up with tears. “Please, Father. I’ve been doing everything you’ve asked. I’ve been trying so hard. Just let me see them, even if it’s just for a little while. I need to know they’re okay. I-i need to feel like part of our family again.”

Soviet’s expression softened slightly as he saw the genuine pain in Russia's eyes. The boy's persistence and the weight of his emotions began to chip away at Soviet’s resolve. After what felt like an eternity, Soviet finally relented.

“Fine,” Soviet sighed, his tone begrudging. “We’ll go tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Father,” Russia whispered, tears of relief and gratitude streaming down his face.

The next morning, Russia’s heart was a whirlwind of emotions. The thought of finally seeing his siblings filled him with a fragile hope. Soviet prepared for the journey with his usual meticulousness, while Russia’s excitement was palpable despite his physical weakness.

As they arrived at their family home, Russia’s anticipation grew. He stepped out of the vehicle, feeling a rush of emotions at the sight of the familiar house. Soviet led the way, unlocking the door and allowing Russia to enter first.

To Russia’s surprise, the house looked abandoned. Dust covered the furniture, and the air felt heavy with neglect. A sense of unease washed over him.

“Father, where is everyone?” Russia asked, his voice tinged with confusion and disappointment.

Soviet’s expression was unreadable. “Your siblings are staying at Mongolia’s house. It’s far from here.”

Russia’s heart sank at the news. The excitement that had buoyed him now turned into a deep disappointment. However, Soviet’s next words reignited a flicker of hope.

“I’ll go and bring them here,” Soviet said. “In the meantime, you can make the place presentable.”

Russia nodded, too tired to argue. As Soviet left to fetch his siblings, Russia busied himself with cleaning the house. It was a task that took his mind off the pain and the loneliness, if only for a little while.

He started with the kitchen, scrubbing the counters and washing the dishes that had been left behind. The familiar routine was comforting, reminding him of happier times when they were all together.

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