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The chapter:


3rd person pov:

The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, gently waking Russ from his slumber. He stretched, feeling a pleasant soreness from the previous day's activities.

He got up and went to the kitchen, to his surprise China was already there.

"Good morning, Russ," China said, his voice warm and relaxed.

"Good morning, China," Russ replied, returning the smile.

Russ took the lead, preparing a variety of dishes with practiced ease. China assisted, following Russ's instructions and chatting with him about their plans for the day.

"Thank you for helping with breakfast," Russ said as they set the table.

China smiled warmly. "It's my pleasure. And your cooking is always a treat."

As they ate, they discussed their plans for the day. Russ mentioned that he needed to pack his things and head back to his homeland.

"It's been a wonderful visit, China," Russ said, "but I really need to get back home."

China nodded, understanding. "I know. I'm just glad we could spend this time together. Are you sure you have everything you need?"

Russ nodded. "Yes, I think so. I should start packing."

After breakfast, Russ began packing his belongings. China helped him, making sure everything was neatly organized.

"You've been such a gracious host, China. I can't thank you enough," Russ said as he folded his clothes.

China waved a hand dismissively. "It was my pleasure, Russ. You're always welcome here."

Russ smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest. "I'll miss this place. And I'll miss you, too."

China placed a hand on Russ's shoulder. "We'll see each other again soon. And don't forget, you can always visit anytime."

Russ nodded, feeling a sense of comfort in China's words. He finished packing and took one last look around the room.

Russ carefully placed his kittens into their carrier, making sure they were comfortable for the journey. The kittens mewed softly, sensing the change.

"It's time to go," Russ said softly, giving the room one last glance.

Russ and China walked to the car, the morning sun casting a gentle glow over the landscape. Russ loaded his belongings into the car, ensuring the kittens were securely settled in the backseat.

As he climbed into the driver's seat, Russ turned to China. "Thank you for everything, China. I'll never forget this visit."

China smiled, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Take care, Russ. And remember, my door is always open for you."

Russ waved at him, the started the car and began the journey back to his homeland. As he drove, memories of the time spent with China flooded his mind. The laughter, the shared meals, and the peaceful moments together filled him with a sense of nostalgia.

The road stretched out before him, winding through scenic landscapes. Russ couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the tranquility and warmth he had experienced at China's home.

The drive was long, but the scenery was beautiful. Russ passed through forests, mountains, and small villages, each reminding him of the peaceful moments he had shared with China. The kittens occasionally mewed, but they seemed to sense Russ's contemplative mood and mostly stayed quiet.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the landscape, Russ found himself reflecting on the deep bond he had formed with China. Despite the challenges they had faced, the friendship they had built was strong and unwavering.

"I'll miss him," Russ said softly to himself. "But I'll carry these memories with me, always."

Finally, after hours of driving, Russ arrived back at his homeland. The familiar surroundings brought a sense of comfort.

He parked the car and carefully unloaded his belongings, making sure the kittens were safely brought inside. As he stood at the entrance of his home, Russ took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

"I'll be back, China," he whispered, a promise to himself and to his friend.

With a renewed sense of determination, Russ entered his home. But in his heart, he knew that the bond he had with China would always be a source of strength and comfort, no matter the distance between them.


End of chapter...

Omg it's so short-

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