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The chapter:


Time skip, after a month:

3rd person pov:

The bustling sounds of the world meeting fade as Russia takes a moment to himself, his mind drifting to the life he’s built with China. The ring on his finger, a constant reminder of their bond, brings a soft smile to his face. But as he rounds a corner, a hand suddenly grabs his arm, yanking him harshly into a darker part of the hallway.

Russia's heart races, his eyes widening as he finds himself face to face with America. The usual brightness in America’s eyes is replaced with something darker—something menacing. His grip on Russia’s arm is painfully tight, sending a wave of fear coursing through Russia's body.

"America, what are you doing?" Russia's voice trembles slightly, betraying the fear he's trying to hide.

America’s face is close, too close, his breath hot against Russia's skin. "You thought you could just move on, huh? Thought you could be happy with someone else?" His voice is a dangerous whisper, dripping with resentment.

Russia feels a pang of fear and a desperate longing for China. He tries to pull away, but America’s grip only tightens, his nails digging into Russia’s flesh. "Let me go," Russia pleads, but the fear in his voice only seems to fuel America's anger.

"You think you can just forget about me? That I’d let you go so easily?" America's voice is low, almost a growl, his eyes blazing with something almost feral. His grip tightens further, making Russia wince in pain.

Russia’s mind races, trying to think of a way out, his heart pounding with terror. He knows America is stronger, more aggressive, and the fear is nearly paralyzing. But as he struggles, he hears footsteps approaching—calm, steady footsteps that send a flicker of hope through his chest.

Suddenly, America's grip loosens just slightly as he turns his head toward the sound, and Russia feels a rush of relief as he sees China standing there, his expression darkening as he takes in the situation.

"America, what the hell are you doing?" China’s voice is cold, filled with anger that sends a shiver down Russia’s spine.

America’s eyes flash with something wild before he abruptly releases Russia, pushing him aside as if he were nothing. Russia stumbles, clutching his aching arm, his fear replaced with a desperate longing for the safety of China’s embrace.

"You think you can take him away from me, China?" America’s voice is a snarl as he launches himself at China, fists swinging with reckless anger.

China barely has time to react, but when he does, it’s with the grace and precision of someone who has seen far too many battles. He blocks America’s first blow with a raised arm, retaliating with a swift kick to America’s side. The impact sends America stumbling back, but he quickly regains his footing, charging at China again with a ferocity that’s almost frightening.

Russia watches, his heart in his throat, as the two men fight. China moves with a fluidity and strength that Russia has always admired, his strikes precise and powerful. But America is relentless, his anger giving him a terrifying strength that seems almost unstoppable.

"You think you can keep him?" America shouts as he throws another punch, which China narrowly avoids. "He’ll never be yours, not really!"

China’s eyes narrow, his voice deadly calm as he replies, "He already is, and there’s nothing you can do to change that."

With a final, powerful strike, China lands a blow to America’s chest, knocking the wind out of him. America stumbles back, gasping for breath, his eyes wide with shock and fury. For a moment, it seems like he might lunge again, but something in China’s unyielding gaze makes him hesitate.

"He's not yours America, and never will be. Leave," China orders, his voice like steel. "Now."

America glares at them both, his chest heaving with rage, but after a long, tense moment, he turns and storms away, his footsteps echoing down the empty hallway.

As the tension in the air begins to dissipate, China immediately turns to Russia, his expression softening with concern. "Are you okay?" he asks, his voice gentle as he reaches out to touch Russia’s arm where America had grabbed him.

Russia nods shakily, leaning into China’s touch, feeling the overwhelming fear begin to fade as China’s presence surrounds him. "I… I was so scared," Russia admits, his voice barely above a whisper.

China pulls him into a tight embrace, his hand gently rubbing Russia’s back. "I’m here now. He won’t hurt you again," he murmurs reassuringly, pressing a kiss to Russia’s temple.

Russia clings to China, feeling safe again, the terror from moments before slowly ebbing away. "Thank you," he whispers, his voice filled with emotion.

China holds him close, his arms a protective shield around the one he loves most, determined to keep him safe from any harm that might come his way.


End of chapter....

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