Where the Demons Hide

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"C'mon Lilly it would be fun!" Zach said pushing Lilly into the noisy club.

"I don't think so." Listening to the music already made her head hurt. "Unless you can make the DJ play Vivaldi I'm not going."

"I'll make them play Vivalti." He mispronounced.

"Vivaldi." She corrected.

"Yeah him, now come on!" He grasped her hand and they pushed through the line and went right into the noisy, steam filled, laser lighted club. Pop music played loudly making the ground shake underneath the dancing crowd. Waitresses in tight leather clothing passed by holding trays with colorful drinks on them. Zach turned around to the nervous Lilly. Her sky blue eyes frantically looking around the room. "Lilly calm down and have a good time. Now sit, relax while I go get us some drinks." He sat her down at a booth and disappeared into the crowd, she sat looking around. Again she felt the same pair of eyes on the back of her neck the same she had felt for the past seventeen years she turned around to see two dark brown eyes staring back at her. Lilly jumped out of the booth and screamed earning concerned looks from the dancing crowd. She ran out of the place and into the dark back alley where she saw no one.

"Show yourself!" She yelled into the darkness.

"Finally found me." Said a tall dark skinned girl from the shadows sharpening her knife. Her long black hair up in a ponytail, a black leather jacket covered her black tank top and a pair of black jeans went under a pair of black boots. Two clear katana swords crossed behind her back in a red scabbard. "It's been a long game of hide and seek."

"Who are you?" Lilly managed to say to the mysterious girl.

"My name is Kiara."

"What do you want from me?!"

"Lilly you are a special girl. Have you ever thought of that key on your wrist, why you've always drawn it there?" She moved towards her the boots clicking on the pavement.

"Why have you been following me?!" Lilly shouted. Her raven hair falling on her face.

"Because you're important to the continuation of the society. Your parent's death was no accident." She felt as if she was about to explode.

"How do you know about my parent's death?"

"The SKS has been watching you since the day you were born, to ensure your safety."

"Safety from what?"

"What lurks in the dark when the sun goes down, demons, spirits, fallen angels which wanted to harm you, kill you, and take you away." Kiara continued.

"This is too much for me to handle." Suddenly the heavy metal door burst open, Zach came out with one martini in his hand.

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." He said hugging Lilly. "Hey who's the hot one?" He said moving closer to Kiara.

"Can it Frodo." She said dryly.

"This is Kiara, a friend of mine." Lilly lied.

"Yeah great friends." Kiara said ruffling her long hair.

"Well your aunt Janice just called saying you should come home since the sun went down." He grabbed her hand.

"Wait where did you get that star tattoo?" Kiara asked looking down at Zach's hand.

"Oh it's nothing special." He said covering it up with his sleeve.

"That is the symbol for summoning demons." She said.

"Really? Thanks for telling me, now we have to go before your aunt kills me for staying outside after dark." He said to Lily as if trying to get away from Kiara.

"May I see it?" Kiara asked reaching for his hand.

"We should go." He said urging towards the door.

"Let me see it." She grabbed his hand, he turned around with his eyes rolled back in his head, his face red and head turning into something. He snapped at Kiara, dropping her to the ground he tried biting her neck but she grabbed her glass swords and sliced through his neck he fell on Kiara he remained motionless as the head rolled off the neck, she shook the body off and stood up out of breath.

"Disgusting creature." Lilly said.

"That demon seeing from its brute strength, was possessed a long time ago." She said wiping off a bit of blood from her swords. She grabbed Lilly's hand and ran from the back alley.

"Where are we going?"

"To your house you probably have questions for your aunt."

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