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    "We're here!" Kiara said looking at an old run down factory.

    "What is this place?" Lilly asked her.

    "The society building, and we better get inside quickly before the sun sets." She stepped closer to the gates, suddenly the building started to materialize in her eyes, the dull building became magnificent with large towers gleaming with lights, and bridges interconnecting different places, made of stone. Kiara opened the gate and they walked through a long garden, statues lay on the side outlining the stone walk. Kiara walked ahead and she knocked on the heavy wooden door, the golden handles turned and a man on the other side looked at Kiara. His light green eyes welcomed them and his brown-red hair spiked up at the front.

    "Welcome back Kiara." He looked at her. "May I ask where your weapons are?" Kiara felt for her knives.

     "Dammit, I forgot them at the apartment, I'll go get them later."

    "Lilly White, how are you this fine evening?" He asked. 

    "Well, just a bit frightened." She said twirling her necklace in between her fingers.

    "You will be safe here, the only thing that can hurt you here are the-." The man at the door was silenced by two guys chasing after each other, each carried swords as they battled each other in front of Lilly, Kiara, and the servant

    "Catch me if you can!" One of them yelled. Suddenly one of them caught the eye of Lilly, he ran over to her and let his feet slip on the smooth floor.

    "And who is this beautiful lady?" The other one said.

    "That's Lilly, now back off because she is my responsibility." Kiara snapped. "This is my step brother Hunter." He smiled at Lilly, his light brown eyes emitted kindness, and his smile appeared inviting.

    "Hunter Hollows, Chief of Security and Master demon killer at your service, very nice to meet you Lilly." He said shaking Lilly's hand.

    "Yeah right." Said a black haired man from the shadows. "Andrew Hall, actual Master demon killer." He said pushing Hunter out of the way.

    "Justin take Lilly to her room." The servant nodded and smiled.

    "Of course, come with me Ms. White." He led her through the halls of the large castle like structure. He led her to the wooden door and opened it for her. She stepped inside to see a large bed in the center of the room with drapery covering it, and a large window next to it, a few wooden drawers were placed in the room making it smaller. "I will leave you here to rest." He smiled walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. Lilly sat on the bed and looked out the window the moon was bright illuminating the sky.

    "Be careful there, we wouldn't like you to fall." Lilly spun around to see Hunter she shuddered a bit, he leaned against the frame of the door sharpening his LHR combat knife.  "Sorry to startle you love, but I wanted to introduce myself properly without Andrew interrupting."

    "You introduced yourself, your name is Hunter Hollows, you are the step brother of Kiara Moss, and part of this secret society."

    "Yes but did you know this about me?" He moved his hand through the air and in it appeared a red rose. He smelled it and handed it to Lilly. She smiled and accepted the flower. "Come lets go eat we have a special night."

    "What are we doing tonight?" She asked.

    "We are going to go save your aunt Janice from the demons that stole her from your household earlier tonight." Hunter held out his hand to Lilly, she hesitantly took it and he directed her to the dining room. When they got there they could hear Kiara yelling at Andrew, and Andrew being yelled at by an unknown voice.  Hunter burst into the room. "Oh shut up!" Hunter yelled letting go of Lilly. Kiara, Andrew and the holder of the unknown voice looked in their direction.

    "Lilly let me look at you." The mystery man said standing up. He had a short greying beard, and his eyes were outlined in wrinkles. "My name is Leonard Jeffries, do you remember me?" Lilly looked up at his eyes and was mesmerized by the color.

    "They are violet because he is half angel." Kiara explained.

    "Yes but I have never seen an angel." Leonard said. "Would you like some dinner?" He asked offering Lilly the food on the table. A pile of chicken wings were placed on a silver platter, almost empty pizza boxes lay open, and glasses that were full of water were on each side of the plate. Lilly sat down beside Andrew and quietly ate a piece of cheese pizza.

    "All that I'm saying is that we should use the celestial Katana's for the mission not your stupid throwing knives." Kiara said.

    "But my stupid throwing knives have gotten us out of so much trouble, like when we were fighting the vampires, honestly we wouldn't have gotten out of that if it weren't for me." Andrew replied, pointing at her with a chicken wing. She grabbed the butter knife from beside her plate and sliced the chicken wing out of his hand.  "Very mature Kiara." He said taking a bite from the now half chicken wing. Lilly sat looking down at the key on her wrist.

    "What's wrong Lilly?" Kiara asked.

    "My whole life has been a lie, I don't even know who I can trust." She said.

    "Well don't trust this one around swords." Andrew said, he gave Kiara a goofy smile, but Kiara stayed straight-faced. Leonard looked at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room.

    "9:11, you guys should get going if you want to make it in time."

    "Make it in time for what?" Lilly asked her voice full of concern.

    "Nothing just go I will be here monitoring the mission, good luck and stay out of trouble." He said looking at Andrew and Hunter. They smiled sheepishly and walked out of the dining room with Lilly and Kiara following behind.

    "Kiara, Andrew go to the catacombs to get our weapons, Lilly and I will go get the stuff ready." Hunter suggested. The group split up, Kiara and Andrew went down to the catacombs, where they got three pairs of celestial Katana's, two crossbows, Andrews throwing knives and two revolvers, while Lilly and Hunter got the clothing ready. Andrew put on a leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots and a black t-shirt. He handed Lilly the same clothes as Kiara had on, she changed quickly and was ready to get her Aunt Janice back.

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