It Couldn't Be That Easy

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The four of them stood around where the portal was. "It couldn't have been that easy!" She said, "We've been training for this since we got to the society, it could just be some mortal throwing down a sword through the portal and making it into an inferno!" Kiara took a deep breath.

"Of course it wasn't this easy." Said a mysterious voice. A tall lean man in a black hooded cloak said.

"Who are you?" Lilly asked.

"You don't remember me, my water lily?" He asked slowly taking off the black hood, he had blue eyes and black hair like Lilly's, wearing black pants and a black short sleeve shirt, on the side of his neck a black tattoo of a sun. 

"Dad?" Her heart started beating her face became flushed. "How can you be here?"

"How can you?" He took out a gun, cocked it, and pulled the trigger shooting at where the portal was, suddenly disappearing. "Now to kill you." He pointed it at Lilly, cocked it, but before pulling it he was tackled to the ground by Kiara. Her father pointed the gun at Lilly again shooting it, she blocked it with the sword, it whizzed past her, cutting her ear slightly. He pushed Kiara off of him, running over to Lilly holding a knife to her throat standing behind her.  "Do you think Hunter loves you?" He asked in a husky voice.  "Do you think he wants a pathetic mortal girl like you? Do you think he actually cares for you? He just wants the prize?" Lilly breathed heavily trying to pry his sturdy arms. "He wants your life for a thousand more of his, he will go to great lengths to kill you and if that means making you believe he cares for you then you better run, he is the one who killed your mother, he is part immortal and part demon, he is the bad man, not me."

"I will never believe you." She moved backwards flipping him over her, she took out the Japanese sword from her scabbard, and she pointed it at his throat. "I have one question for you." Kiara, Andrew, and Hunter looked at Lilly. "When I was two years old, what did I give you for father's day?"

"That is an absurd question." She moved the sword closer to his throat. "Fine, when you were two years old, for father's day you gave me...a...mug." He concluded. Lilly shook her head. "You're not my real father, and you will never be, my father is dead, he was never an immortal angel."

"No but he was a demon." The man's eyes became black like tar pits, and his skin became white like paper. He jumped up in the air not noticing the dagger flying towards him, he was pierced in the neck where his tattoo was. Lilly looked over in the direction where the knife came, Hunter had killed him mid-flight. The demon fell to the floor crumbling in fire and then the ashes blew away, Lilly gasped watching what resembled her father blow away, she fell to the floor crying.

"I was for the best." Hunter said running to her side. She looked away from him.

"Is it true?" She whispered, Hunter stayed silent. "Is it true?!" She yelled getting up from the crouching position she was in.

"Yes, but it was to protect you." Lilly looked at the others and began running down the stairs. "Lilly wait!" Hunter called after her, but she kept running. The door burst open of the Parliament building.

"Ma 'me, what are you doing?" A guard asked her as she began to leave. "How many of you are there up there?" He took out his walkie talkie, from his belt requesting back up for the clock tower. When they got up there, nothing but an opening in the clock face.


Lilly was in her room packing her items, trying to hold back her tears, she heard a pecking at the window, she looked and a black crow was pecking at the window. She opened it slightly letting the crow in, it landed on her bed frame, on its leg a white scroll. She carefully took it off, and the bird flew free out the window. She opened it up, inside a drawing of the same key as on her wrist under it a message:

'Meet me in the library in ten minutes.'

Lilly shrugged and started heading to the library. She opened the door carefully, inside the same tree but it grew higher. "Hello!" She called out. "I got your message." She walked up the stairs and saw a ladder leading up the tree. She climbed up into a small room full of papers, and keys everywhere, all antique and metal.

    "Good to see you." Lilly almost fell out of the tree house.

    "Holy shit you scared me." She said punching Hunter in the arm.

    "I'm sorry with all the secrecy, but I wanted you to see something." He outstretched his hand, she took it hesitantly, he moved down the ladder still holding Lilly's hand while she climbed down. "I have to show you something." He walked over to one of the bookshelves of the library, pulling down a book, the book shelf slid over, showing Lilly a dark room, full of telescopes, coming out of tiny holes letting in light from the outside.

    "What is this place?" She looked through one of the telescopes seeing her aunt's apartment, right into her room. "Jeez, I should seriously get some curtains."

    "For the past thirteen years we've been watching you through these telescopes, watching your every move, what you were doing, when they introduced me to you I was nineteen and I thought, who cares about a stupid girl but then as I kept watching you I fell in love." Lilly blushed and smiled a bit. "I know you don't want to see me or trust me anymore but-," Lilly planted her lips on his, wrapping her arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist, she smiled against his lips.

    "I love you." She whispered in his ear.

    "I love you too, there is one more thing I want to show you." He handed her a key similar to the one on her wrist. "Open that door there." He waved his hand in the air, in front of her a dark wood door materialized. She walked over to it, put the key in, and turned it right and with a click the door unlocked. The key on her wrist started glowing silver, she opened the door and what she saw was truly mesmerizing.

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