An Angel

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"For you sir." Hunter said throwing down all of the weapons they had gathered tonight on the table.

"All of this was in Sir Anthony Van Dyke's tomb?" Leonard asked. Hunter nodded and took out the hourglass stone from his satchel.

"A fallen angel tried to take this from me today on the subway." Hunter said giving Leonard the stone.

"It's not damaged, but be more careful with this." Hunter looked at Leonard and breathed out heavily.

"Thanks dad." Leonard bobbed his head and smiled at Hunter.

"Go to sleep son, we have battles to fight tomorrow."


    Lilly explored the society halls, paintings of past head masters were hung in the halls, and displays of different weapons used in battle. "Lilly!" Hunter yelled from behind her. She turned around to see him in all black, he handed her a sword, with Japanese engravings on the blade. "When there is a darkness nearby it glows." She smiled at him and lightly kissed his cheek.

    "Thank you." The sun was beginning to rise, making the society a bit brighter. A bell started to ring.

    "Oh no, the invasion has begun." Hunter said he took Lilly's hand and began running down the halls until they reached the dining room. Kiara was sharpening her knifes, calmly, while Andrew was practicing his aim in the mirror.

    "Good your all here, the portal has been opened in the downtown area, if we don't close it in time it could consume all of London." Leonard explained. Lilly looked down at her sword, it was glowing a tint of blue.

    "Hunter what's going on?" She asked holding the sword away from her body.

    "They are here." He said, he looked up at the high ceiling he squinted his eyes to see a winged woman holding a sword. She swooped down attacking Lilly with her talons, it scratched her arms and body making it sting as she bled. She tried pushing it off but the creature was too heavy, suddenly its talons pierced into her leather jacket, lifting her up in the air. "Shoot it!" Hunter yelled to Andrew.

    "It's not a clear shot!" The winged woman lifted her up into the air higher and higher suddenly she let go of her jacket. Lilly plummeted to the marble floor underneath her, a bullet whizzed past her and hit the creature, disintegrating into ashes, and Lilly was caught by a pair of strong arms. She hung on to Hunter's neck, breathing heavily, she looked up at him, and smiled. He put her on the ground, still supporting her back gashes on her leather jacket indicated that she had been injured all the way inside.

    "Are you alright?" Kiara asked her. She nodded and took off the leather jacket, her wounds were scarring into silver and gold lines.

    "I've never seen that before." Hunter said. "What do you think it is?" Leonard looked at her.

    "Angel blood is running through your veins." Lilly almost fainted.

    "Angel blood?"

    "All this time I told everyone I've never seen an angel, but I've been looking at one for the past thirteen years." A smile appeared on Leonard's face. "This is an advantage!" The group set out into the morning sun. Ready to defeat whatever came their way.


    Downtown London was full of people getting to work, walking at fast pace checking their watches. There is was the portal that they wanted to close, a yellow light coming out of Big Ben, the giant golden clock tower a portal for the darkness to seep into our world. The group moved in a huddle, going to the House of Parliament. Inside tourists looked around at the information of the House of Parliament. Lilly walked over to the front desk where a frowning guard was sitting playing solitaire. "Excuse me?" Lilly said. The guard looked up at her with the same deadpan expression.

    "Yes?" He said in an English accent.

    "My friends and I were wondering if there were tours into Big Ben."

    "Only on Saturday's." Lilly looked back at Kiara, Andrew, and Hunter and shook her head. She walked to them. 

    "We'll have to sneak in." She whispered. When the guards weren't looking they snuck into a doorway leading to the inside of Big Ben. Lilly looked up the stairs lead all the way up to where the clock ticked, making a deafening sound. They started climbing the metal stairs carefully and quietly, finally they reached the top where a bright yellow light shone. It shone out of the top and into the light morning sun, Hunter was knocked over by a dark yellow eyed pale man. Hunter punched him in the face then Kiara sliced off its head with her celestial katana's, making it disintegrate into dust. After trying to shut down the portal more demons came. Andrew was on the ground being attacked by a strong demon, Kiara tried to kill it with her swords, and Hunter tried to find a way to kill the demon. Lilly tried to find a way to shut down the portal. Andrew was fighting off the demon, when Lilly found a way to close it. "Hunter I need your help!" She yelled to him. "Do you have something reflective on you?" He took out his sword and handed it to her.

    "What did you find out?"

    "This portal is a loop hole meaning it has an opening somewhere else, if I impale this sword in the right place it would kill the source, shutting it down forever." Hunter nodded and Lilly threw the sword down into the yellow light, it moved through the portal into an alien world, suddenly skewering a circular mesh. It exploded in a fire making the portal heated on the other side. The yellow light turned from a fiery orange, then into a black light. The demon attacking Andrew fell and disintegrated, and everything was calm.

    "Was it that easy?" Kiara asked.

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