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After walking through the empty streets of London the two girls arrived at a small apartment building, the concierge at the front looked at Kiara. "This is a peaceful environment." She sighed and took off all her weapons, her two glass katana's from her back, a black and silver knife from her boot, and two hidden throwing knives from her jacket sleeves leaving it on the front desk. They went up the stairs to room 1119, Lilly took out a set of keys and unlocked the door. On the couch, was her aunt Janice, sleeping.

"Aunt Janice wake up." Lilly shook her a bit before she stirred awake. She reached for her glasses and put them on her face, she moved her blonde hair from her face and fixed her dress. She looked at Kiara. "Don't worry Aunt Janice, this is not a robber this is-,"

"Kiara Moss, Head of the search party in the SKS, finally seen huh?" Janice interrupted. "Good job." She handed her a cookie from the table.

"No thank you I don't like sweet things." Kiara denied.

"It's made with your favorite ingredient, dragon scales." She urged the cookie towards Kiara. She took it and took a bite, grunting at the sweet flavor. After she finished the cookie, she looked at Janice.

"Lilly has some questions for you about her life."

"Yeah like how was my parents death not an accident, was it planned?" She asked sitting on the couch.

"Your parents died in a car accident when you were four." She stood up and went to the kitchen where she grabbed a box from above the fridge.

"This is the box you told me never to touch or else the bed bugs will eat my candy." She laughed.

"I didn't want you to find out about you past, or future." She opened the large brown box, piles of messy papers lay in the box.

"What is all of this?" Lilly asked picking up pages.

"Your mother gave you a special drink in the morning to blind you from the demons outside, she also took you to a special place to get rid of your tendencies."

"Tendencies to do what?"

"To run away during the night, to faint in the middle of your classes and drawing that key everywhere you could, your mother could have took you to the special place much earlier like I said, but she thought you would outgrow it." Janice smiled. "She was a good mother."

"Well, well what do we have here?" Kiara asked picking up an old newspaper page. "Family dead after head on collision, 1997." She read from the paper.

"That is the year my parents died, but only two died in the accident."

"I guess that the news reporters got it wrong, when they didn't see your body."

"I walked into the forest where Aunt Janice found me wandering." Lilly explained. There was a violent knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Aunt Janice said getting up, she looked through the peep hole and saw two men dressed in all black, wearing plastered smiles and had pale faces. "Kiara take Lilly to the society building, she will be safer there." Kiara grabbed Lilly by the arm and led her to the window.

"Wait, what is behind that door?"

"Demons, they are here to kill you Lilly, run I'll hold them off." Surrounded in fire, a metal sword materialized in her hand. She opened the door after Lilly and Kiara had jumped out the window and onto the fire escape. She could still hear the screeching of the demons attack Aunt Janice.

"We have to go back for her!" Lilly yelled at Kiara who still had a tight grip on her arm.

"No, we can't! You're not safe out in the open we have to get to the society if you want to survive the night."

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