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    "Lilly." Her eyes fluttered open, she was sitting on a sofa, back in her aunt's apartment building. She stood up slowly looking around, by the door a splatter of blue blood, demon blood. She heard voices on the other side of the wall but saw no one there. "Lilly?" She turned around to see her mother.

    "Mom?" She asked running to her hugging her.

You're okay, nothing is going to hurt you." She cradled her head with her hand. Her mother let go and smiled, we should go to sleep the sun went down and we don't want you to get into trouble." She started walking towards the bedroom door, suddenly stopping. "I love you Lilly."

"But mom, can't we talk about where I am?"

"Not now."

"Why not?"

"Because you have to go!" She yelled. "Lilly I love you and I'm sorry." She opened the door and stepped inside, disappearing once again from her life.

"Lilly wake up!" Her eyes shot open, her heart beating fast. Hunter was kneeling in front of her, eyes full of concern. Tears began flowing from her eyes, Hunter hugged her in his chest. "What happened?" He asked her.

"My mom, I had a dream about her, she didn't want me in her life anymore, and she disappeared." Her breath became choppy talking about her dream.

"What did Jack say to you last night? When he had you in there alone?"

"That I will find the truth out, what truth?"

"That son of a bitch!" He said standing up. Lilly followed closely behind Hunter, he went into the dining room. Where Kiara, Andrew, and Leonard were sitting around the table. Lilly walked in awkwardly looking around. "Tell them what Jack said to you last night." Kiara stood up anticipating what Lilly was going to say.

"He told me I was going to find out the truth and it won't be pretty."

"What truth?" Andrew asked. He looked at Hunter then at Lilly. "I understand."

"We have to go get our items." Kiara said.

"We can't go outside right now its day, they will confirm our hiding place and invade us." Andrew said.

"We could take the metro." Lilly suggested, "But you're going to have to leave your weapons here, I don't think that security would appreciate four teenagers dressed in all black carrying katana's and throwing knives into the subway." Kiara smiled and started to take out all of her weapons, as did Hunter and Andrew.

"Do we have to put our throwing knives?" Kiara asked. "What if we run into trouble?"

"Don't worry I've been on the subway thousands of times don't worry nothing is going to happen."

"You never know." Hunter said. The group slowly headed out into the open the sun blinding them slightly. They walked through downtown, people giving them strange looks as they passed by finally they got to the cement stairs that led underground, above the name of the station: Westminster. Lilly hesitated to go down the stairs. "Don't worry I'll be there to catch you if you fall." Hunter said moving in front of her, she smiled and gripped on to the hand rails. Kiara looked around the cold underground station, and turned to Lilly.

"Are you sure it's safe down here?" She whispered.

"There are a few drunks, but pay no attention to them." Kiara looked at the rails standing behind the yellow line saying 'mind the gap'. A hush wind moved their hair slightly, becoming stronger as the train moved towards the platform, Kiara leaned forward looking down the tunnel suddenly two large lights appeared.

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