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The horse galloped day and night without stopping. The wind was blowing from the north and the brave girl could sense it. Wolves howled and stars glows through the clouds, and Irrista knows what's going to come. The cold didn't touch her bare skin on her face. She's used to it. Cersei wanted her to come back, but she doesn't want to. King's Landing is not her home state. Casterly Rock was.

She remembers the bad memories of her father, all being drunk, sleeping with whores, having sex with so many women, and abuse. She doesn't want to think of it, so instead, she thought something of more...happiness and excitement before. She remembered saving a king from being poisoned and assassination. Irrista was only fourteen then, but now she's old enough to do her own wills on her own. The king gave her titles for her reward in saving him.

Irrista could never forget that day, and never forget the day she lost her one true love. She hated those memories, those precious memories. They are all nothing to her now. Irrista pulled up her hood so her beautiful golden hair won't get tangled. It has been many days and nights for her and her horse to travel far.

She heard rumors of Lord Eddard Stark already in King's Landing and being the 'hand of the king'. King Robert gave him the honor of being it. Five years in Casterly Rock, after the king gave her titles and rewards when she was only fourteen, she lived with her father Tywin Lannister not drunk anymore, not so much of abuse, but still sometimes sleeping with whores. Tywin wanted her to marry one of the suitors he'd chosen for her, but she refused all of them. Tywin had a hard time looking for suitors for her. Then, he stopped looking of a good one.

He told Irrista he will wait until he finds a perfect match for her. She doesn't want to marry and be shipped off to some stranger she doesn't know and have sex with and have babies yet. She would rather not get married.

Now she is almost there to King's Landing. Just a few miles away. She can see a dim of light out there. She wondered how King's Landing is going well? It should not be a disaster or worse.

Then, she stops in front of the gate and removed her hood, showing her beauty and her golden hair. The guard stared down at her holding a sword at their side.

"You there! Who are you and where have you come from?"

"I am Irrista Lannister, House Lannister, the queen's youngest sister. Daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister. I am here for the King and Queen's requests." She almost nearly screamed.

"Where's your carriage?" The man shouted, then guffawed loudly.

Irrista thought this would be easy, but her father was right about it. Never go on horseback if you are a lady of high houses on horse back alone. She felt embarrassed about it, though she quickly didn't mind it.

"Give a message to Queen Cersei that I will be waiting outside the walls of King's Landing."

The knight laughed hysterically and left the walls to report to the queen. Hours had pass and Irrista was still waiting outside on her horse. Damn it Cersei, what's taking you that long? She thought in her mind. It would be easier if Jaime would be out in the walls, guarding King's Landing. He would let her in by now.

The knight came back. Irrista steadied her horse.

"King Robert will want to see you now."

The gates opened, and let's her pass through. She pulled up her hood and made her horse walk. The smell, she says in her mind. It smelled like a poor polluted place with so many beggars to be fed and clothed with and housing them. This place has changed a bit. Poor people were all over the place.

Irrista felt so bad for those who are poor, even the children. It just makes her want to cry a bit. Then, a ragged thief was in the middle of the road. Irrista stopped her horse. The thief was holding a small knife on his hand, gripping it.

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