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Irrista brushes her horse's hair softly and stroke the long head in front. She whispers to the horse's ear and giggles as the horse neighs faintly. Jorah walks to her side and looks at her horse with her.

"Khaleesi wants to take you and her servants with her to the Vaes Dothrak's markets to help gather food and supplies." He says to her putting his hand on his hilt.

"What for?" She asks still staring at her horse.

"It's for a ceremony where the Dothraki men and women go worship the Great Stallion. It's their custom and belief."

"Sounds interesting." She glances at him for a second than back to her horse. "Are you going to the market?"

"Yes. I'll be the one looking after the princess. And you will be too."

"Me?" She points at herself.

"We are going to watch over her together and with some of the Khal's men."

"I guess I could watch over her." She says. "I'll go and besides I have something to encounter there anyways."

"You do?" He said raising his brow at her.

"I am expecting something private. I'm sure your expecting something too today."

Daenerys went walking to the market following by her hand maids, Drogo's men, Ser Jorah and Irrista. Jorah saw Irrista scanning about at the market. Dany was still talking to Jorah and asking him for advice.

"Can't you help me make him understand?"

"The Dothraki do things in their own time, for their own reasons. Have patience, Khaleesi. We will go home, I promise you."

"My brother was a fool, I know, but he was the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms."

Jorah chuckles softly and Dany's face became clueless.

"Have I said something funny, Ser?" Dany asks him.

Jorah clears his throat.

"Forgive me, Khaleesi, but your ancestor Aegon the Conqueror didn't seize six of the kingdoms because they were his right. He had no right to them. He seized them because he could."

"And because he had dragons." Dany says.

"Ah well, having a few dragons makes things easier."

"You don't believe it."

"Have you ever seen a dragon, Khaleesi? I believe what my eyes and ears report.
As for the rest It was 300 years ago. Who knows what really happened?"

Jorah sees Irrista with a merchant captain handing her some letters of news from King's Landing. Jorah looks back at Dany.

"Now if you'll pardon me, I'll seek out the merchant Captain, see if he has any letters for me."

"Well, I'll come with you."

"No no, don't trouble yourself. Enjoy the market. I'll rejoin you soon enough." Jorah says to her.

Jorah was about to walk toward Irrista and the merchant captain along the way, but was stopped by a little boy no more than nine or ten.

"Psssst. Jorah the Andal. The spider sends his greetings and his congratulations. A royal pardon. You can go home now."

The boy gave him the letter and ran off to hide.

"Seems like you got a letter too." Irrista says behind him.

He jumped a bit when he heard her voice behind him.

"It's from the spider, Varys."

"I know. Lord Petyr Baelish sents me a letter from King's Landing. I heard about the news. The king is dead."

The Lannister Spy (A Game Of Thrones fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now