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"Why go to Lhazar? What is Khal Drogo going to do there?" Irrista asks curiously.

Jorah runs his fingers through his hair and sighed. He places his hand on his hilt and looked at her like she is stupid and doesn't know anything.

"Khal Drogo and his men are looking for slaves. Slaves that will give them golds, silks, and steels."

"For what, exactly?" She asks looking around the burned area, seeing slaves held captive.

"Ships, to sail to Westeros. Khal Drogo made a promise to Princess Daenerys that they will sail back to Westeros and take the iron throne."

Irrista watched as the Lhazareen women were being beaten and raped. Her stomach feels twisted inside her. She wants to stop it, but she can't. The Dothraki's have the power to do whatever they want. Khal Drogo has all the power.

"Can't we stop them?" She says standing uncomfortably. "Can't we just let them free?"

"You have a kind heart, but kind heart won't do anything good." Jorah says looking at her in the eyes.

"She is right, ser Jorah the Andal." Daenerys said to him standing next to Irrista.

"Princess." Jorah says bowing his head.

Irrista looks about and glances over at every slaves held captive. There was one Dothraki man beating a helpless young woman, throwing her onto the dirt floor, and helplessly crying. The others, who were held captive, screamed and pleaded to not kill her. The Dothraki man said something deep in his native words and held the woman's hair. Irrista suddenly realized she is walking towards them.

She couldn't stop herself from walking. Jorah grabs her wrist to stop her from going, but she yanked her wrist away from his hand. She takes out her dagger behind her cloak, and grips the carved handle that has a lion sigil of her house.

"Let her be." she growls at him.

The Dothraki man looked at her, and for a moment he laughed. He pushes the young woman away and takes out his curved blade, arakh.

"I'll fuck you first." he sneers.

"Try me." she taunts.

The Dothraki man swung his crescent blade at her, but she dodge and kicked the back of his legs to make him fall. He fell to his knees and the dagger was already pointing in front of his face.

"Too slow for you fuck me." She smirks.

He spat at the ground as an insult and looked angry and furious at her. She doesn't mind. Someone places a hand on the dagger and moved it away.

"You cannot do blood shed here, my lady." Jorah says to her.

She places her dagger behind her cloak and shoves him away, walking over to the woman. Rhakharo talked to the man who knelt. The Dothraki man doesn't seem happy about it. Irrista knelt down and places a hand at the young woman. The young woman flinched when Irrista laid a hand on her shoulder. She's frightened.

"I won't hurt you. Trust me." she holds out her hand.

The young woman's hand trembles before taking her hand. Irrista helped her stand and walked over to Daenerys. She seems fragile and skinny. She brown thin hair was messy, covering her eyes. Bruise marks were everywhere on her skin and blood trickles down her arms.

"Could you tell me your name?" Irrista asks the young woman.

The woman didn't speak. She only heard her shaky breath talking. She's afraid.

"It's okay if you don't want to speak. I'm lady Irrista Lannister. The daughter of Lord Tywin Lannister."

The woman only stared down and listened to her speak. Dany held her belly as she came towards them.

"Is she alright?" She asks Irrista.

"She's hurt. She needs to get healed." She says.

"I want all of them." Day says pointing at the women in the wooden cage.

"Are you sure you want all of them?" Irrista asks.

"I can and I will. Come with me to my sun and stars, Khal Drogo." She walks to the courtyard where the khals and Khal Drogo were at.

Irrista follows and was still helping the Lhazareen woman to walk. When they came, they saw that one of Khal Drogo's men were arguing about something. Irrista couldn't tell what they were arguing about, but she knows it's not going to be good. Then Khal Drogo asked Dany about the women she is taking. Irrista felt a hand slide on her shoulder and could feel the person breathing behind her. She felt slightly alarmed, but the voice calmed her.

"They don't want the khaleesi to take away women." Jorah says behind her.

"You almost frightened me." She says sighing in relief.

"I did not mean to scare you, my lady."

Then a loud roar filled the courtyard. Khal Drogo was angry the man for turning his back on him.

"Who's he?" Irrista points out.

"That's Mago. One of Khal Drogo's khalasar." Jorah says eyeing at him. "Mago will die."


"If you dishonor the Khal in any way, you will be punished."

Then Mago lifted the crescent blade to his chest. Khal Drogo moved forward towards the blade making his skin tear off and blood trickles down as he pushes himself even more to the blade. Irrista's eyes on the mark on his chest. Khal Drogo's voice growled and deepened, talking to Mago how he will suffer and die. He turned his back on Mago and took out his daggers and spoke about the rain. He turned to Mago and drops his daggers to the ground.

Khal Drogo runs towards Mago, while dodging his attacks. While attacking, Mago screams. Irrista felt her wrist caught against Jorah's hand. She tries to tug it back, but he wouldn't let her. She doesn't know why. He starts to pull her away from the crowds and away from the courtyard. Then he dragged her all the way to find a good hiding spot for no one to see.

They hid behind a huge rock, far away from Lhazar. Irrista threw her wrist back and Jorah lets go. Her green emerald eyes glared at him.

"You better tell me the reason why you brought me -"

Unexpected. An unexpected kiss. A kiss from him. She never knew he liked her. Only that she knew the men from Westeros wants to wed her and fuck her only. But this she never knew. She always thought that he like princess and no one else. The kiss was passionate. Very passionate. He leaned closer to her and places his hand on the rock while she leans against it.

She felt like it was real, a real kiss, a kiss from a stranger who you've don't really know much of and a person who really really wants to tell you that they love you. Jorah slid his hand to her face to cup her cheek and kisses her unstoppable. Then, it slowly dies down. The last kiss was on her lip. His lips moves away from hers and she fluttered her eyes at him and sees that his eyes are now on hers.

Jorah lifts her right hand, and kisses it softly and bows his head slightly. He left shortly after what happened, leaving Irrista behind the rock thinking about the kiss. This was a different kind of kiss. Different from a the men in Westeros. Different from lord Petyr, lord Stark, and the others.

A Beautiful thing. . . Desire. . .

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