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"Get up." Irrista kicks Jorah on the side of his body.

He moans and scratches his eyes. He sees Irrista standing above him. Her beautiful emerald eyes were set on him. Her lips were moist and soft pink and her hair is gold as the Lannister's riches. He wants to touch her soft face with his rough hands.

"I might as well leave you here." She walks away.

Jorah sat up and scratches his head. He sees her getting her horse ready and placing wrapped wool behind the horses back. The saddle was placed as well, over the horse. The horse neighs softly and Irrista patted her horses head. Jorah stood up and presses his lips together and places his hands on his waistline.

Irrista glances at him.

"Are you not coming with me?" She asks.

Jorah walks over to her and handed her back the skinned bag of water. He touched her soft hand for a second and when he realized he was touching her hand, he took his hand away from hers awkwardly. Irrista raised her eyebrow at him curiously.

"Are you alright, ser. You seem a little -"

"I am fine, my lady. I just . . . remembered something." He lied to her.

Irrista crosses her arms at him and cocks her head.

"I could tell if your lying to me or not. I'm not in a mood of playing this game."

He bit his lip and walks over to his horse. He jumps up on his saddle and steadied his horse, waiting for Irrista to jump on her horse as well. She looks around if she had left something important, but there was none. She swings up on her horse, making her dress swirl and shine against the sun. He had never seen her so beautiful getting on her horse.

She caught up with him side by side with her horse. Ser Jorah gazed at her.

"Shall we go?" She asks him.

He nodded and led the way back to the Dothraki camp. The sun was still burning its blaze upon them. Sand dusts were in the air. Irrista pulls up her hood to protect her hair and her skin from ruins. Jorah squinted his eyes along the way, trying to not let the sand get in his eyes.

On a hill, they see a horse lying on the pile of sand. Flies were surrounding the pour animal. It was suckling the horse's blood, and going inside the horse's mouth and nose. Irrista looked disgustedly.

"It's very unfortunate for the horse to lie here and die." Irrista said with a sad looking face.

Jorah glances to his side at Irrista. He licked his dry lips.

"When a horse dies, a new babe horse is reborn. The gods make their decision on who will live and when they die."

How could the gods be so cruel? She thought. Their gods that's what. Cersei's voice whispered in her head. They don't care or have pity on us, that is why they're made gods. She remembered when Cersei was in the garden, back in Casterly Rock, praying for their mother to be alive again.

Her father would catch her praying, and he would always say the gods will never bring back your dead mother from the grave.

"Is there something you would like to tell me, my lady?" Jorah says looking curiously at her.

She snapped out from her daydream, shaking her head and looks at him. Jorah is waiting for an answer. She clears her throat before saying a word.

"No, I don't have anything to say."

He smirked at her and turned his head back to the front. They were both quiet along the way. They didn't even make a slightest sound, but the horses were making sounds.
When they made it to the Dothraki camp, Jorah jumps down from his horse and assisted Irrista from her horse. He took her by the hand and Irrista slips down from her saddle, and Ser Jorah holding her around her waist.

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