20. The Other Side of Life

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Chapter Dedicated to:  breaZthingStars2712


Calliope Jane Edwards

I stood there, staring at the stranger standing by the door of my house.

Black pants, white shirt, dark blue tie and a black blazer.

Jet black hair styled to perfection. Dark hazel eyes.

Did I come to the wrong house because I am sure that I do not know anybody who could look as good as him.

"Callie do you know him?" Louis asked me. I shook my head because I was so clueless. I continued to stare at him until mum came up to the door.

"Callie! Louis! Why are you standing outside?" She looked at us.

"I just came to help Callie drop off the grocery bags." Louis gestures to the bag he was holding.

"Oh; are you joining us for tea?" She asked him. "No Ms. Edwards. I've got some works to finish. Thanks for the offer though." He declined the offer.

"Okay. Come on in and place the bags by the kitchen counter." Mum told us.

The boy went back into the house towards the living room. Louis and I walked into the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter.

"I have to get going now." Louis said and looked at me. We leaned into a hug and then pulled away. "Call me if anything is wrong." He told me, I nodded my head. He smiled and then walked to the door. I walked behind him and closed the door as he left and walked to his car.

I turned around walked slowly to the living room from where I could hear mum talking to someone. I could conclude by thinking I have guests over at my house but it was only when I entered the room when I realized who my guests were.

The Malik's.

"Callie, is that you?" Uncle Yaser looked up to where I stood.

"Hi uncle Yaser " I smiled.
Sixteen Years Ago

"Daddy could you buy me a scoop of ice cream?" Dani asked dad as he drove both Callie and Dani back from school.

"Not today love." He replied which made Dani pout. "But you promised daddy!" She exclaimed. "Callie, didn't daddy promise?" Dani turned to me.

"He did Dani. Daddy you did promise us." I reminded him his promise.

"I know, I haven't forgotten but if we go for a scoop today then who will finish the two tubs I bought and placed in the freezer?" He looked at both of us and asked.

"Two whole tubs?!" I exclaimed.

"Just for us?" Dani asked.

"Not entirely. We've got guests for dinner." He informed us. "And mother is busy making dinner, therefore daddy picked you up today." He continued to tell us.

"Who are they, daddy?" I asked him.

"Just my friend who I'm going to work with." He replied. "He has four lovely children. Three girls and one boy." He told us.

"The boy is your age Callie and one of the girls is about as old as you Dani. It would be good to have a change of faces and have new people to interact with."

"What's wrong with my friends?" I asked in offense .

"Nothing wrong. All I'm saying is it's good to have a change." He replied and he drove into the driveway and parked the car in front of the garage door.

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