He Finds Out You Self Harm

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The only person Sherlock has ever bothered to actual get to know, and love was you. Sherlock didn't have to deduce anything, he didn't analyze you to know what you were doing. He simply knew something was wrong since you weren't you usually loud, quirky, dorky self which you always are doesn't matter the situation. He simply walked up to you, placed your hand on his cheek and stared lovingly into your eyes. Telling you it was going to be alright.

You're usually very open about everything. You're such an open person, you never his anything. Whenever John asks you what's wrong you openly tell him. However, this time you didn't. You simply sat on the couch with your knees pressed against your chest, head buried in your lap. At that moment John knew something was wrong, he simply say down next to you and assured you he will help you get through anything, no matter what.
Idea from @im_a_fab_penguin

I know this one is bad, I've never done one like this before. Sorry if it's bad!

Anyways, vote, comment and leave suggestions down in the comments!

Please go check out my Etsy account! Still a work in progress but I will be more than happy to write you a story!

Here's the link:

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