He Gets Jealous

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I giggle with John in the back seat. I notice Sherlock pull a funny face pulling me closer to him. Our hands locking together as I lay my head on his shoulder, despite his glares piercing me. We arrive back to BakerStreet. John gets out of the car, I soon follow him when I feel Sherlock's grip on my arm.

"What the bloody hell was that?" asks Sherlock a sourness to his voice.

"What?" I ask, with a smirk on my face. "Are you jealous?" I have never seen Sherlock jealous, or well never shows it till now.

"Sherlock..." I begin, with a smile on my face before I was interupted.

"Do you love him?"

"Excuse me?" I ask surprised, pulling my arm from his grip.

"Do you love John more that me? Because if you do..."

"Oh shut up Sherlock!" I say smilling tip-toeing to kiss him. "I could never love anyone more than you."

I could feel his body loosen up as he exhales. "Okay. I... I'm sorry. I've just never felt so insecure about anything before."

"Is The Great Sherlock apologizing?" I ask smirking.

He begins to blush.

"Aww. Is my baby blushing?"

"Forget it." He says.

I brush his hair away from his face, placing my arms around his neck. Smiling faintly he gently pushes me away as he says 'thank you.'

"I love you Sherlock. And only you."

"I love you too." He smiles as he leans down to kiss me.

We quickly head inside before it begins to rain on us.

"You're going places {Y/N)." assures Lestrade as he puts his arm around me. I nudge him for the compliment. "You are going places." He repeates. "And besides you're so beautiful that anyplace would be happy to have you."

Out of the corner of my eyes I see John clench his fists as Sherlock tries to calm him.

"I'll be right back." promises Lestrade as he walks out his office.

John quickly makes his way over to me and pulls me into a corner, so Sherlock wouldn't hear.

"Do you... I... Are you..." stutters John.

"Yes, John?" you ask with such patience.

"Do you like Lestrade?" asks John, his whole being minimizing.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you?" asks John a little more urgently than before.

"No John. I've only ever kissed you and slept with you because I felt bad." I answer sarcastically.

"Oh.." spoke a sad John.

"I love you." I said to ressure him that what I said before was a joke. "I love you. Always and forever John."

"Lestrade seems to like you." scoffs John.

"So what is he does? He's my friend. That's all he'll ever be. You're my boyfriend. And hopefully one day maybe more than that."

My last comment caused him to blush as he grabs my hands, and looks into my eyes. "I love you (Y/N)

"I love you too, John."


Author's Note:

I'm really sorry for not ever updating this. I... IDK. I just get lazy and tired.

I hope you guys enjoy this.

Please go check out my Etsy account! Still a work in progress but I will be more than happy to write you a story!

Here's the link:

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