.....Holy Crap...

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"Come on CoCo!" I yelled to my little sister Copeland. Copeland is not really my sister but yet she is. See, I'm Kellin's daughter from another marriage . However, I still love her like a true sister.

I looked behind me to see her running. Her dirty blond pony tail bouncing happily behind her as she giggled. I smiled at her and picked her up as she giggled more.
"Are you hungry?" I asked her as she nodded her head vigorously.
I carried her over to one of the food vendors and got her and me some nachos and water. I turned around and walked to a shaded spot and we stood their eating when I noticed someone was watching us. I turned and looked to see Damon Fizzy, Johnnie Guilbert, and Bryan Stars all standing in line. However Damon was staring!!! I smiled at him causing him to blush and look away. I went back to eating with Copeland when someone came over.
"Hey, I'm Damon..." I looked up to see in fact, Damon Fizzy.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N). And I know who you are. I watch you on YouTube."
"Oh cool! You look familiar."
"Really? You might know my dad, Kellin."
His eyes suddenly got as big as a moon. "Oh! Your Kellin Quinn's daughter!" He looked at Copeland. "And this is his other daughter Copeland."
Copeland, hearing her name looked up and smiled giving a cheesy grin. "Hi!" She stated happily causing Damon to laugh.
"Hi! How are you?"
"Good," She said happily, causing both of us to laugh,"I have nawchows!"
Damon laughed, "So I see!"

Suddenly Damon turned to me. "So, (Y/N), can I get a picture with you and Copeland?"
He moved next to me and put his arm around my waist as he took out his phone and took the picture. "And here is this. Text ya later?" He asked handing me his number.
I smiled and nodded causing him to smile.
"Well, bye." He smile and walked back to the boys, and I couldn't help but notice Johnnie staring over at us, biting his lip.

Well....I felt this was interesting. Sorry if it sucked. This is only my first time really writing and publishing anything. Plus I'm trying to hurry so I can upload it! Sorry about mistakes, if I made any! ✌✌✌✌

No ordinary love. (Damon Fizzy x Reader Quinn x Johnnie Guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now