Part 2

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Silence and awkwardness are surrounding the both of us. I wanna broke the silence but It's just weird. I mean I'm afraid that he'll just reject me. I don't really know what gotten into my head & confessed to him.

"Don't expect that I'll treat you the same as I treat you before. It's kind of different already." Greyson said. Then he rolled his eyes and moved a little farther more. It hurts you know. Being rejected like that is so uneasy. Just like what I expect life would be.

I didn't speak but instead I get my phone and texted my friends which is just right behind me. But Of course. It's much better than speaking to them personally about Greyson.

To: FRIENDS <Mark, Kate, Angela>

Someone's rejected here. -______- I don't wanna live on this planet anymore. My life totally sucks. Just don't talk he might hear it.


"Okay class for your upcoming project, this will be a teamwork. And as usual you're going to be partnered with your seatmates. This is valid for a 2 months. Each one of you will get a copy of this." Mrs. Martinez said as she handed each student a paper.

"That's a bucket list. You have to finish that in 2 months or less. I think it would be easy because it's a team work. Now go on and talk about your plans" She continued explaining

I scanned the bucket list and the last one in the list got my attention.

Write your partner a letter about your best experience with him/her.

What? Are you seriously kidding me?! I mean this can't be. No I am terrified and I can't get it of my mind. this is not so happening. I have a big feeling that we won't finish this. So, we're going to be together for like 2 months? Now I hate this.




"Okay let's forget everything that happened. And let's treat each other like friends and no awkwardness just for 2 months. Got it? FOR THE SAKE OF OUR GRADES, GREYSON!"

"Okay, Deal. I'll meet you at the park at 3 O'clock and then let's talk about the plan at my house."

Seems like I have to create my own list too, just to avoid the awkwardness. I have no choice but for the sake of our grades, I will do it.

-No feelingsfor him this time

-Avoid staring at him

-Act innocently as if nothing happened

-Never ever ever ask him if he has a girlfriend

-Try not to flirt with him

-Just keep silent if you both have nothing to say

-Be confident

-Avoid his gaze

-Do not smile infront of him


"Calm your nerves Angela! I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR THE SAKE OF OUR GRADES."

"But still that's quite hard. Be yourself and WTH DO NOT SMILE INFRONT OF HIM?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! What if you're thinking of Niall Horan and daydreaming about him that time. How come you couldn't manage a smile?" Dianne muttered

"And what if you suddenly heard a Conor Manard song in public? And you're with him that time? Are you crazy Vanessa?! You can't even keep calm whenever you hear 'Can't say no' !" Kate said trying to hold a laugh

"OH GOSH GUYS! WILL YOU STOP SAYING THAT? Well uhm first, I can control myse-"

"When pig flies. That would happen Vanessa. LITTLE MISS AWKWARD STOP THAT STUPID LIST. IT'S NON SENSE" Mark said

"Yeah, You dummie. HAHAHA Imagine Vanessa fainting infront of Greyson and then Greyson will carry her and then ask for help and then they wi-" Kate said

"Stop day dreaming too much. You look like a complete idiot!" I said while smirking

I checked the clock and it's already 3:05 in the afternoon. Oh gosh I'm late. I ate my food too fast that I am near to choke my food. and then after I said my goodbye to my friends then ran to the park.

"Vanessa, Look at the time. You're late!"

"Sorry, I uh uhm my mother- uhm okay forget about it. None of your business" I said in between breathe

"Did I ever ask the reason why? And hell like I care?"

"Greyson, If you keep on answering me like that I swear to you, We won't finish everything. Stop acting bitter to me and don't forget the deal."

"Fine, sorry" He muttered flashing a smile

I cloed my eyes, Vanessa, you can do this. DO NOT EVER SMILE AT HIM AND AVOID LOOKING AT HIM. DO NOT LOOK AT HIM.

We walked to his house and it's like a 20 minute walk. Not really awkward and what I did is I kept on distracting myself on different things so I could avoid his gaze. He is still distancing himself from me. Well, of course even though we have a deal, I still can feel the sadness inside me.

"The first one in the bucketlist is to get to know each other" He said. I can see in his eyes that he's in a deep thought. not wanting to know and probably not interested on this bullshit. But I gotta chill him up so he can be comfortable with me.

"Okay 50 questions will do. You go first."

"Fine. What's your full name?"

"Vanessa Claire Anderson. Give a fact about yourself"

"Uhm, I'm handsome. My tur-"

"No, I think that's a lie."

"How come you think it's a lie? Would you like me if I'm ugly?" He said winking

"Shut up. Okay next question" I said. I have to avoid his gaze. NO STARING

"Okay, Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Uhm, I'm married to Justin Bieber"

Then he laughed like there's no tomorrow

"What? I'm serious here. Duh!"

"You've got to be kidding me girl! Okay Nevermind." He said changed the topic

We shared laughs, I felt comfortable with him. And I got to know him more. No awkwardness but still I fall for him more. How come I can't stop loving him?!

"Uhm Vanessa, I think it's late. Come I'm going to walk you home."

I nodded

I don't wanna go home. Hating the fact that they just don't care about me.

"Uhm, Greyson. I think I-I can uhm handle myself. I don't wanna go home yet. You can go back now. Thank you and see you tomorrow."

"Is there something wrong?" He asked looking really worried

"Uhm yeah. I bet you don't care so uhm you can go home now." I said

"Okay. Doesn't matter. Bye" He said walking away

"Uhm, wait, GREYSON!!" I shouted

A/N: HAHAHA! WHAT DO YOU THINK GREYSON DID? *wink wink* Still waiting for Greyson's POV? HAHAHA next part. :>

Bitterness and Anger (Greyson Chance)Where stories live. Discover now