Part 10

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Ohmygosh guys! Thank you for the 700+ reads! I dedicate this to @CaaaiChance_ ! I love you so much thank you!! Oh and guys, WINK WINK I AM TEASING YOU! :) Tweet me @ItsClaireChance so I 'll update quickly.


Vanessa's P.O.V.

"AHH! VANESSA STOP! IT HURTS! HEELP!" I pushed Greyson and I stepped on his both feet. I pushed him again and I slapped him. He groaned in pain as I continued on hurting him.

"That's what you get from Embarrassing me!" I roared. His face is so horrible. He can't even say a word because of pain I'm giving him.

He finally managed to stand up. Greyson looks very angry at this moment. He's getting on my nerves. Well, same to him. I'm staring at his hazel brown eyes that I fell inlove with right now. I eyed his fist which is curled up like he's going to punch someone.

"SO NOW I'M THE ONE WHO EMBARRASSED YOU? WELL HOW ABOUT YOU? DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T REMEMBER SOMETHING!" Before I can say something, He punched me right on my face. I was shocked. I can't believe the love of my life punched me right on the face! Oh my goodness. I was about to kick him where the sun don't shine but-

"ANDERSON AND CHANCE! MY. OFFICE. NOW!" I frozed when I saw our principal standing infront of us. I'm doomed

Greyson's P.O.V.

"First of all, Greyson what you did was so nuts. Seriously?! PUNCHING A GIRL RIGHT STRAIGHT ON THE FACE?" Principal Walkins bragged it to me for like the hundreth time already. I'm pissed! Vanessa rolled her eyes. She has a black eye. I think that's because of my punch. I was also shocked on what I did. I did not expect that really.

"Principal Walkins, I'm really sorry. Please don't put me on detention. My mom would kill me." Vanessa begged.

"Sorry, Ms. Anderson! You have no choice. If that's the case. Why do you have to be in this sort of trouble?"

I cleared my throat "What would be our penalty?" I asked nervously. I'm expecting him to answer that 3-4 days/a week suspension. But no I was wrong.

"Since the both of you already have negative remarks, I won't supend you." I sighed in relief.

"But..." Principal Walkins continued. Wait I take that back. I'm nervous as hell

"You both will be stuck in a room for 2 weeks. Or may I say resthouse" He declared. I swear I might kill a shark. THIS CAN'T BE


"At the school's resthouse. 12958 kilometers from here. Do not worry, food will be served at the right time." Principal Walkins explained. He handed us a paper. The details about the 'STUPID DOUBLE DETENTION' thingy.

"But Mr. Walkins, I have lots of things to do at home!" Vanessa uttered reasonably.

"You have no choice."

"How about, I'll wash the dishes of the whole campus for 2 weeks?"

"No fair."

"Uhm, mop the whole school for 10 months?" Vanessa protested

"Nope. We have a janitor."

"4 days suspension?"

"No. We don't do that, That's unfair to other students who got detention!"

"1 week suspension?"

"Vanessa, what I said is what you have to do. No buts and excuses. It's for the both of you." I sighed.

Bitterness and Anger (Greyson Chance)Where stories live. Discover now