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Elena picks up a framed photo of her, Ember and Jeremy that sits on the mantle in  no the Living Room. The glass inside is broken; with out and  expression or emotion, she touches the glass and a piece falls to the floor, shattering.


One day earlier.

In Silas' tomb Elena and Stefan run in and spot Jeremy's body in the cave. Elena runs over and holds him in her arms, talking frantically and crying.

"Jeremy! Oh, no. No. No. Oh, god, no. Oh god..."She checks his hand; the Gilbert ring is still there. "It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. You're gonna be okay. The ring will bring you back. It's okay. It's okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, Jeremy. You're gonna be fine."

Stefan looks around in shock and walked to the spot on the floor covered in Bonnie and Ember's blood.


"How'd this happen?" Damon demands pacing frantically.

"It was Katherine. She must have been following us this whole time." Stefan explains.

"Where is Ember!!" Damon's eyes are frantic.

"Katherine or Silas must have taken her, Bonnie too." Stefan suggests.

"What about the cure?" Damon demands.

"If there was anything in there at all, it's all gone.
Ember and Bonnie went looking for Jeremy last night. They never came back." Stefan glances at Elena. "Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life."

Damon frowns. "Why aren't you in there waiting  with her."

Stefan swallows nervously. "Jeremy was one of the Five, a hunter."

"He's supernatural. The ring won't work anymore." He pauses. "She won't survive this. I'll go find Ember. You get Elena off this island."


Damon walks into the campground, peeking into the tents. Suddenly he stops and his eyes vamp out when he hears a rustling in the trees.

"Unless you're a doppelgänger , a blonde, or a Bennett witch, I suggest you steer clear."

He approaches the shack and creaks open the door as Rebekah appears next to him, startling him.

"Where is it? The cure? I know someone has it." She demands.

"Yeah, someone - Katherine." Damon grunts pushing her back.

"Katherine? The doppelgänger?" Rebekah looks confused.

"Yeah. Sneaky little bitch must've been spying on us for weeks. She killed Jeremy... or somebody did." Rebekah looks sad and Damon scoffs. "He killed your brother. Let's not with the fake sad face."

Rebekah glares at him. "I didn't say I was going to miss him, but I'm not heartless. He was Ember and Elena only remaining family."

"Good. Well, you can send flowers after you help me find Ember and Bonnie." He starts walking away.

"We need to find Katherine." Rebekah protests.

"If there's one thing that's a guarantee in this miserable little world, it's that Katherine Pierce is gone. I need to find Ember... Bonnie too I guess. Oh, and beware of the immortal Silas. If he was asleep in that cave, he's awake now." Damon turns and starts walking. After a moment's hesitation, Rebekah follows after him.


Bonnie wakes up, lying on the ground in a small campsite near a small campfire. She sits up and looks around, clearly unsure of how she got there. She spots Ember a few feet away still unconscious and rushes to her side.

Brave (Damon Salvatore x OC)Where stories live. Discover now