A Bite

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A/N: This chapter we see Elena at her most terrible and emotionless. Don't hate her for it. She isn't herself.


Ember and Damon are walking down a crowded street in New York City hand in hand with Elena next to them. Damon has been telling them about the last he had been in New York, in the late 70's.

Ember starts walking backwards and eyes Damon imagining what he might have looked like back then. Damon's hand come to rest on her waist and he carefully guides her through the crowd on the sidewalk so she doesn't get bumped or jostled.

"I'm picturing ripped jeans, anarchy t shirt with the arms cut off... leather jacket of course. Maybe some subtle man liner." She comments.

Damon chuckles

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Damon chuckles. "So close. You know as well as I do these eyes don't need man liner." He teases and she rolls her eyes.

Elena sighs, bored with their adorableness. "So, you drugs us all the way to New York because you were feeling nostalgic?"

Damon turns Ember around and loops an arm over her shoulder pulling her to his side. "No, I dragged you to New York because in a matter of three days, you managed to piss off everyone in Mystic Falls. A little more difficult to do in a city of millions." He looks down at Ember. "You I want to take sight seeing." He smiles.

"Can we go to the Met and the New York Public Library?" She asks excitedly.

"Ugggh! Only you could come to New York and want to see dusty old books and paintings." Elena complains. She glances at Damon. "And it's not my fault everyone was overreacting, I was hungry."

"You were being reckless." Ember insists.

"Emotionless. There's a difference." Elena corrects.

"Look, all that matters is that when I lived here, I fed like crazy and had a blast and went undetected for years." Damon tells them.

"So...we're just here to have fun?" Elena asks and stops walking, forcing Ember and Damon to stop and face her. "What's the catch?"

"There's no catch. Look, you wanted out, I got you out. You wanted to feed, I brought you to a city-sized, all-you-can-eat buffet. That's the beauty of New York, there's so much life that a little death goes unnoticed." He glances between the two of them. "Besides, I thought a change of scenery might help you two... reconnect." Ember and Elena eye each other and Elena nods and smiles reaching for Ember's hand. "Come on Em! let's go explore."

Damon can almost feel how much Ember wants any sliver of her beloved twin back and after a moments hesitation she takes Elena's hand with a tentative smile and lets her lead her uptown.


Even Ember had to admit. Fifth avenue did not disappoint.

Gucci, Prada and Bergdorf Goodman had already fallen to Elena's shopping spree with the help of Damon's black Amex he had slipped in Ember's pocket before he had disappeared further into the shopping district. Ember was at the perfume counter of Sak's and took the small discreet bag from the clerk as Elena danced up in a new pair of boots and leather jacket.

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