Chapter Four

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"What are you doing here, Tucker?" I ask.

"What is he doing here?" he replies, meaning Cragen.

"For grandfather-like support," Cragen snaps back. For good measure, he places his hands on Lizzie's shoulders. She leans back to him.

"Fine. Just stay back while they do their jobs."

I nod, hoping to god I baby proofed everything. I stayed up until 3 AM to do so. I even moved the crib into my room, just in case they ask about him being in the living room.

I watch as if I'm a perp who's house is being searched under a warrant. They aren't completely tearing apart my home, but it feels like they are.

I hold my baby boy close to me, listening to his quiet breaths. The twins are next to me and Cragen is behind them. Tucker only observes but walks around.

When he comes back over to me, I hug Eli closer, as if he'll take him right here.

"Very impressive," Tucker says. "Made your two bedroom apartment suitable for 6 people."

"That was only for one night. The older two aren't staying here."

"Uh huh," he says skeptically.

After another half hour, the two Child Services people and Tucker stand in front of me.

"Well, your house is in tip top shape, perfect for the three. It is a little cramped, however..." the one inspector says.

"Come on, group homes are set in apartments!" I retort.

Tucker speaks up next. "It's alright. Conditions are favorable. I do regret to inform you, however, the kids must be taken to another-"

"NO!" Lizzie screams at the top of her lungs. She latches onto me. Carefully so the baby doesn't fall, but her arms are still bound tightly around my waist.

"Tucker, please," I start begging. "Don't take them."

"I have to. I'm truly sorry. There's nothing I can do about it."

"You bastard!" I exclaim.

"It's not me. They-"

"No, it is you! You've had it out for me since day one! You just can't stead for me to-"

"Liv, give me the baby," Cragen requests, and I do so.

Dickie has managed to pull her sister off of me and they sit on my couch. Lizzie is crying into her brother's shirt.

"Woah, what about the orders of guardian-"

Three pieces of paper are out in my hands. And I know they all say what I don't want them to.

Tucker starts ordering the kids out and I immediately text both of the twins: "text me the address or call my phone as soon as you get there. I'll tell your sisters."

Within 72 hours, my heart has been hit with a suicide, built up with love of five children, and ripped to shreds at losing them. Within 45 minutes, everything that was pushed and shoved into my house is gone.

Cragen is the only thing that remains. As my only father figure, I take the opportunity to use it.

He hugs me tightly, and I ask, "Why? Those are my kids! I love them more than anything! I wanted them! I-"

"I know, Liv. I'm gonna get this sorted out. You did nothing wrong. They can't do this. I have to make some calls."

"Me too," I whisper. I go into my bedroom and call Kathleen. I know her and Maureen are together, so luckily, I only have to say this once.

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