Chapter Thirteen

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I pull away and glance over Elliot's shoulder. Fin is standing there.

Fin has enough emotion for all three of us. Nobody else on the squad except Cragen knew Elliot was alive. They were all left with the fact Elliot was dead and Kathy killed herself and I was in charge of the kids.

"Liv, you know you're making out with a dead man, right?" he asks, obviously shocked.

"But I'm not," I reply quietly. I feel my cheeks growing hot.

Fin walks in a little more and says, "Elliot fuckin' Stabler. The hell happened?"

"I got shot, lost so much blood my kidneys failed, Liv gave me hers, I was put in Witness Protection, my wife killed herself, Liv got parental rights, and now we're here. Did I forget anything?"

"Your location is compromised and he stopped here before he's on his way to...where?" I ask.


Maine. That's even farther than Pennsylvania. I feel hear behind my eyes by will it away.

"Damn," Fin says. "Well, it's good to see you're not dead."

"Feels good, man," Elliot replies. They do that man-hug thing which always looks painful to me.

They let go of each other and Fin starts to walk out. But he turns back around before completely exiting. "Oh, and it's about damn time for you two."

I feel my cheeks grow hot again.

We all go back downstairs and Elliot and John have the same interaction he did with Fin.

Happy reunion. Very happy.

Quickly enough, Casey rushes into the precinct. She sees Elliot first.

"What the fuck?" is her reaction. Then she says, "Witness Protection?"

"Yeah," Elliot replies, laughing.

"Those bastards."

I smirk at her cursing. Casey isn't one to do that so much.

"Anyways," she continues, "I got the warrants for the apartment."


"Oh yeah, the DNA was a match and we picked up Marcos again," Fin calls from his desk.

"You didn't tell me this, why?" I ask.

"You were busy," Fin tells me with a smirk.

I roll my eyes, hoping my blush isn't coming back on.

"Busy...with what?" Casey asks. With one look from Elliot to me, she smiles. "Well, finally!"

"I still don't get what's going on?" Cragen says.

"Me either," John chimes in.

Fin rolls his eyes. "They're a thing now John! Damn, keep up!"

"You sound like a teenage girl," Elliot says.

Cragen, smiling, says, "That means, as of now, Elliot Stabler is alive and free."

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