Chapter Six

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I know I said I was gonna upload this like two days ago sorry I had work 😁


~two days later; squadroom~

"Hey, Fin did you-"

The sound of footsteps invades my ears.


I turn to see Tucker. Again. "Office, now," he orders.

I glance across the room at the other detectives before standing. I feel Tucker's eyes - along with everyone else's - at my back when I walk into Cragen's office.

Cragen's face is unreadable.

"So, Olivia, where were you...say...two days ago?" Tucker asks.

"Home. Remember? You came and took my kids."

"Well we have record of you being checked into a hospital just south of Pittsburgh, which, just so happens, to be where the children were taken."

Cragen gives me a confused look, but I avoid his gaze.

"Must be a-"

"There is nothing coincidental about it. You followed- no. You stalked those children out-"

"Lizzie called me!" I interrupt. "She was scared and she told me where they were and that she wanted me to go get them! What was I supposed to do?!"

"Let Child Services do their jobs, perhaps?"

"I did! Their job was to move the children. That's it!"

"You interfered with WP. That is-"

"Why are you putting two teenagers and a baby in Witness Protection?" Cragen asks. Then it clicks for him. "You sons-of-bitches stuck Stabler in WP?!"

Cragen rarely gets mad like this, but I know he will this time.

"Do you know what you've done to this unit?! To his family?! His wife committed suicide! That's murder!"

"Elliot Stabler is dead by law. It does not count as murder," Tucker says calmly.

"What about their kids! What kind of mental state do you think they're in?!" I suddenly exclaim. "What happens if his cover gets blown?! The perp that shot him never gave a damn about kids! Those children will die!"

They are both quiet for a minute.

"She does have a point," Cragen says. "This guy killed every child that ever crossed his path."

"Fine. But you have to explain to their father why he won't be able to see his own children."

Did I just take three kids away from their father?


"I don't get it! I'm never going to see my children! This is ridiculous!"

I keep my distance from Elliot. I don't want to take away his kids, but I know it's for the best. Nobody is gonna see it like that, though.

"It was brought to our attention that if you were to ever be found out, your children would be dead before anyone could do anything about it. It is for their own safety."

He draws back a little, but I know he's still angry. He's going to put two and two together sooner or later.

While getting Eli in his carrier, I feel the man's presence behind me.

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