Chapter Seven

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I wake to a ringing phone. My hand absentmindedly reaches for if and answers.


"Liv we got a case."

Of course we do.

I get up and shower quickly, rushing to get out the door. Just before I do so, I write on a piece of paper: Had a case. If you need anything call your sisters. Emergency, call me or Cragen. Love you guys. -Liv

They already know what to do for when I have to leave early and they have to take care of Eli. But I write it anyways.

I slide the note onto the dresser in the twins' room, go to my room to kiss Eli goodbye, then I'm gone.


"What'd'we got?" I ask, forcing the police tape up so I can walk under it.

Melinda is already at work. "Rape-homicide, I'm ruling it."

"Fluids?" Nick asks.

"Nope, he wore a condom. But there's severe bruising to the genital area. Bullet hole in the back of the head is how she died."

"Time of death?" I ask.

"Body temp puts it at around...10PM."

I nod and stare at this woman's body. She's blonde, skinny, dressed in only a tube top, panties around her ankles.

"Wait," I hear Fin say. I perk up and look over to him.

He bends down and moves the sheet. "Were there cuts on her inner thighs?"

"How did you know?" Then she has a look like an epiphany. "Our serial rapist is back."

Same MO as the perp who 'killed' Elliot: Blonde, young, raped and left under a ramp. He would cut the inner thighs in mirrored images. Bullet to the back of the head. I feel sick to my stomach.

He's back.

We all go back to the squadroom to fill in Cragen.

"So is she a Jane Doe?" is one of his first questions.

We all nod. "Just like all the other vics," I say. "Blonde, early twenties. Looks like that's still his game. Perp is Jonathan Marcos. He's been in for burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, harassment..."

Our new - well, not so new now - recruits, Amanda Rollins and Nick Amaro are sitting, reading the files of the pervious cases.

"Did they have any connection to each other other than Marcos?" Rollins asks.

"They all say they didn't know each other," Fin says.

"Well still. Maybe they all went on the same coffee shop or gym or something."

"Victim number one," John starts, standing up. "Is Trish Andersen. School teacher. Vic two is Linda Holmes, a waitress. Vic three is Hope Brown and she was a student at Hudson U."

"So? Look, there's gotta be something linking them. Did we name our Jane Doe?"

"Looks like we have a junior conspiracies expert over here," I comment quietly.

Rollins rolls her eyes and continues typing away at her computer.

A little while later, Rollins speaks up again. "I got something."

"What?" Fin asks.

"I went through the vics' medical records and all of them had given birth."


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