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Parings: Walker x Leah.

W/c: 1,184

Summary: Leah is not feeling well, but she doesn't want to bother Walker.

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Leah Sava Jeffries sat on the cool bathroom floor, her back against the door. She hugged her knees tightly to her chest, tears streaming down her cheeks as her fingers barely touched her forehead in a gesture of distress.

It was a breezy night in Vancouver, Canada, where Leah, Aryan Simhadri, and Walker Scobell had gathered at Walker's apartment to unwind after a long day filming the second season of their show, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians."

With Mrs. Scobell out for the evening, Walker and Aryan had settled into the dimly lit living room, where the glow of the TV provided the only light. They munched on snacks and sipped soda, the atmosphere alive with laughter and camaraderie.

Fourteen-year-old Leah longed to be part of the excitement surrounding her, but she was struggling with how she felt. She had left the gathering to find some solace in the bathroom about fifteen minutes ago, intending to collect her thoughts. Instead, it had turned into an emotional breakdown.

With a trembling hand, Leah picked up her phone and unlocked it, tears streaming down her face as she navigated to her contacts and tapped on 'Walker💕'. She was tempted to hit the call button, but her fingers hovered, unsure of what to do next.

Walker was her new boyfriend, having just started their relationship a few weeks prior. She was conscious about not appearing overly reliant or needy, understanding that such behaviors could jeopardize their relationship.

Leah turned off her phone, resting her forehead on her knees as she continued to cry softly.

A knock at the door startled her.

"Leah? You okay?" Aryan's voice was gentle as he called out.

Quickly, Leah wiped her tear-stained face and sniffled, attempting to compose herself before opening the door to reveal her tearful expression.

"Yeah," she replied, attempting to sound reassuring.

Aryan raised an eyebrow, noticing the redness in her eyes and the flush on her cheeks. "Are you sure?" he asked, his tone filled with concern.

Leah nodded, but Aryan wasn't convinced. "I know you said you're fine, but just to be sure, I'm going to go get Walker-"

"No! Please, don't!" Leah's voice was almost a plea, her eyes welling with fresh tears.

Surprised by her urgency and the emotion in her voice, Aryan stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. "Hey," he said softly, "What's wrong?"

Leah swallowed hard, her lips trembling as she fought to keep her tears at bay. "My head hurts, and I don't feel well," she admitted.

"Okay, it's alright," Aryan reassured her. "But why don't you want to tell Walker?"

"I just... I don't want to seem needy," Leah whimpered. "He invited us to relax, and I don't want to pressure him with a sick girlfriend on top of that."

"Leah, you just said it! You're his girlfriend. He'll expect these kinds of moments from you. The worst thing you can do is hide it from him," Aryan replied.

Leah absorbed his words. She was his girlfriend, yet she felt a strong urge to protect what they had.

"Okay," Leah replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aryan nodded, a gentle smile spreading across his face.

They exited the bathroom, turning off the lights as they made their way to the living room, where Walker was engrossed in the television. Flicking the lights on, their presence pulled Walker's attention away from the screen.

"What's going on-Leah?" he asked, noticing the tear-filled look in her eyes. At the sight, Leah broke into fresh tears.

"Come here, precious," Walker said softly, placing his empty popcorn bowl on the coffee table.

Leah hesitated for a moment before walking over to Walker, settling down beside him, their eyes locking.

"Shh, shh, just breathe," Walker comforted, running his fingers gently over Leah's hands as she tried to steady her breathing.

"You're okay, you're okay," he murmured, his voice soothing.

As Leah's sobs began to quieten a little, Walker seized the opportunity to reach out.

"Tell me what's wrong," he urged gently.

Leah averted her gaze, her eyes flitting around the room as her lips trembled. "I don't feel good," she murmured, gripping Walker's hands tighter.

"Aww," Walker said sympathetically. "What hurts, love?"

"My head. It hurts to hold it up," Leah whimpered, stifling another sob that threatened to escape.

"Alright," Walker replied, his tone laced with concern."How long has it been hurting?" he asked, his brow furrowing.

"Like an hour," Leah whined, wincing slightly.

Walker was taken aback by the information. "Leah, why didn't you tell me earlier?" he pressed gently.

"I'm sorry, Walker. I really am," Leah sniffled. "I didn't want to worry you tonight. We filmed all day, and you seemed so happy to be home. I didn't want to add to your stress." She bit her lip, trying to suppress another wave of emotion.

"Hey, it's alright to cry," Walker reassured her, grasping her hands in his and caressing her skin with his thumbs.

"I know your head hurts, but can you focus on me for just a moment?" he asked softly, trying to draw her attention back to him.

Leah's deep, chocolate-brown eyes met Walker's expansive, ocean-blue gaze, a connection that felt both electric and tender.

"Leah," he began, his voice gentle but firm, "I need you to understand something. You're my girlfriend now, and that means you're my priority. You don't ever have to hesitate to come to me when something's wrong. I want to be there for you, whether you're having the best day of your life or the worst."

Walker shifted closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "You don't have to go through anything alone. If you're feeling bad, or scared, or just need someone to talk to, I'm here. Always. You're not just a part of my life now, Leah-you're one of the most important parts. And that means I'm here for you, through everything. Okay?"

Leah nodded, a rush of love and emotion filling her heart.

"Since my mom isn't around, I can't offer you any medicine, but is there something I can do to help?" Walker asked, his voice tender and sincere.

Leah took a moment to think, and soon a desire surfaced in her mind-something she had yearned for all day.

"Can we cuddle?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, tinged with shyness.

A warm smile spread across Walker's face. "You don't even have to-" but his words were interrupted as Leah rushed into his lap, straddling his legs and enveloping him in a tight hug.

Initially taken aback, Walker felt a blush creep up his cheeks as he adjusted to her sudden closeness. Slowly, however, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in tightly and showering her cheek with gentle kisses.

"Uh," Aryan interjected, casting a glance around the room as if searching for an escape. His eyes landed on the nearly empty popcorn bowl on the coffee table, and an idea sparked. "Looks like we're out of popcorn. I'll just...go grab some more," he said, attempting to appear nonchalant but aware that it likely came off as awkward.

Walker chuckled softly at the scene unfolding.

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