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During the Solar system trials when Mars and Venus left to spy on the moons, Earth said to Mercury, "So.. Wanna hang out?" Then Mercury responded with, "You need me to keep you on your axis, don't you?" AND IN THE SECOND PART, WE SEE MERCURY AND EARTH LAUGHING AS THEY TALK SO IM PRETTY SURE THEY HAD A GOOD CONVERSATION, SOOOO... WHY NOT WRITE A FIC ABT IT??

Slight angst I think- And small mentions of SH


"Hey! Where are you going?" Venus and Mars then turns to Earth. "We'll keep an eye on 'em," Mars said. "Don't worry! We'll be stealthy," Venus added and the two went off. Earth then turned to Mercury. "So.." He clears his throat and chuckles abit, "You wanna hang out?" He awkwardly asks. "You need me to keep you on your axis, don't you?" Mercury responded. "What? Eheh.. Nooooo.." Earth replied with a sheepish smile. The two planets stared at each other for a moment.

"Εντάξει, ωραία.. I need you to keep me on my axis.." Earth let out a defeated sigh as he rested his head on his hand. "But can we at least have something to talk about?" He asked. Mercury shrugged and pulled his knees up to his chest. Earth sighed and closed his eyes. "Have you told them yet?" Earth then opened his eyes and looked at Mercury. "Told them what?" He asks as he bring his hand down and adjusted his position a bit. "You know.. About your "attempt"" He held two fingers up to gesture some space-air quotes.

(A/N: Haha get it? Space-air? Cause there's no air in space! Haha I'm so funny pls laugh)

Earth adjusted himself, so he's now sitting in a cross-legged position. He then shook his head. "No.. I don't think I'll ever will.." He says as he looked down. Mercury sighed, "Well, you've gotta tell them at some point. It won't really last long as a secret." Earth shrugged and thought about it for a moment. He wonder on how it would make them feel. He hated it on how guilty he felt for not telling them any sooner, he felt selfish. They're his friends, so why doesn't he trust them? He then realized that Mercury had a point. It won't really last long as a secret.

"Ωραία, θα τους πω όταν είμαι έτοιμος..." He says with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Mercury looked at him dumbfounded. "What?" He asked. "I said I'll tell them when I'm ready," Earth repeated, but in English. Mercury frowned and gave him a skeptical look. "Okay, fine. I'll tell them when they come back," he says as he flipped his hair. "You better do," Mercury responded. They both stayed silent for a moment until Mercury spoke up, "Soooo... How are you doing right now?"

Earth shrugged.

"Ehh.. I don't know.. I had a mental breakdown not so long ago.."

"Hahaha! Yeah- WAIT WHAT!? W-Wait! Oh stars, Earth I'm so sorry! Why did I-" Mercury groaned and mentally slapped himself. "Oh! No, no! It's alright.. Mistakes happen.. I guess.." Earth sighed. They both sat in awkward silence. Mercury wanted to bang his head on an asteroid for making such an awkward, stupid mistake. "Hey, what happened to that?" Earth pointed out on Mercury's left bicep. "Oh this?" Mercury glanced at it. "I just scratched myself on an asteroid at the Asteroid Belt," He replied as he looked back at Earth. "Hm.. Looks pretty badass on you," Earth responded.




They both sat in silence once again, but not really awkward. It was more of a comfort silence, since the conversation is going well so far. "So.. Tell me about uhh.. Your feelings or something.. I don't know," Mercury added. Earth shrugged and fiddled with his hands. "Well.. I don't really cut much anymore and uh.." He looks down at his hands, shaking. "I do have a few raw cuts, but I'm.. Trying to quit.." He chuckled awkwardly and put up a thumbs up and then placed his hand down. "Well, that's good to know.. I guess," Mercury added, "W-well, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it! You're doing great so far!" He smiled.

Earth smiled softly. He looked at him for a moment and smirked. "You look stupid," He says teasingly. Mercury took a moment to process and responded with, "You too." He crosses his arms. Earth chuckled and rolled his eyes. "So you wanna play some asteroid dodgeball next?" He asks. "Didn't Jupiter forbid you from playing that?" Mercury pointed out. "Ah, of course.. Tsk. Always too overprotective," Earth sighed. He remembered that Jupiter forbiddened him from playing asteroid dodgeball since he was always so anxious about him getting hit. "Hey, remember that time where you got hit by an asteroid at your shoulder and you scared the living shit out of Jupiter once?" Mercury added. "Ohh! Yeah.. I remember that," They both laughed at the memory. "All though, I did felt bad for Jupiter since he was having a panic attack," Earth added. They both chuckled for a moment and noticed Venus and Mars coming towards them.

"Hey guys! What did y-"

"No time to explain," Mars immediately cutted Earth off. "We need to gather all the planets NOW!" He added. "Why?" Mercury asked. "Didn't you hear the "no time to explain" part, pipsqueak!?" Venus yelled. Mars and Venus both went to get the other planets while Earth and Mercury both looked at each other for a moment then tagged along with Mars and Venus.


I haven't seen the light for 8 hours what the fuck- Also, I still haven't finished my modules lmao-

Anyways, hope y'all liked this!

Signing off!


Word Count: 963

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