Chapter 4- Protecting

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Hally teleported Soledad to school on her first day.

"You ready for school?"

"Uh huh!" Soledad nodded dragging Hally by the hand towards the main door.

"Slow down Sol you're gonna pull out mommy's arm."

"Ok sorry mommy." Soledad slowed down as she and Hally walked through the doors.

"Hello! You must be Ms.Calavera so sorry that I mistook you for a Mrs, I'm Judy Ruth we spoke over the phone."

"Nice to meet you Judy and Hally will do just fine thank you." Hally said shaking Judy's hand. Judy was petit in height and weight, with blonde hair pulled neatly into a bun.

"Hi what's your name?" Judy asked getting on her knees to be eye to eye with Soledad.

"Soledad." Soledad said shyly hiding behind Hally's leg.

"No need to be shy Soledad. Ms. Ruth will make sure that if anything happens that mommy will come right back."

"That's right. Now why don't we go show you, the classroom?" Judy asked standing up.

"Okay!" Soledad exclaimed perking up a bit.

"Now like we spoke over the phone, Soledad's teachers are Mrs. Luthra and Mr. Clark."

"Two teachers?" Hally asked a little bit of concern in her voice.

"They alternate. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. What would you prefer?"

"Morning because afternoon is my reading time." Soledad answered making Judy smile.

"Both teachers are here. But the morning teacher is Mr.Clark, he should be wandering around here somewhere. Ah there he is! Mr.Clark!" Mr.Clark turned around giving Hally the creeps. He looked like a used car salesman not a teacher.

"Hello Judy." He said giving Judy a creepy smile.

"Mr.Clark this is Ms.Calavera and her daughter Soledad she will be joining your class today after recess.

"Sounds great. Why don't we go into the class room and get her settled?" After Soledad was comfortable enough for Hally to 'leave' Hally transformed into a spider and hid against a window so she could watch. No one noticed her until the teacher closed the blinds.

"What is he trying to hide?" She crawled through a gap in the door and watched in horror as the teacher went to slap another male student with a ruler. She went outside the door, changed back into a human, broke the door handle and bursted in the door. Hally grabbed the teacher by the collar and held him up against the wall.

"Just what do you think you are doing?!" She yelled.

"I am disciplining a student."

"By hitting him with a ruler! He is just a child!" She screamed two inches from his face.

"Mommy!" Hally turned around, dropping the teacher and hugging her daughter.

"Did he hurt you?" Soledad shook her head.

"Good because of he did I would have had to....well nothing you should be doing. Are the rest of you okay?" The dazed children nodded, Hally walked over to the boy who was hit.

"Soledad what is his name?"

"Matthew." Hally nodded before turning to the child.

"Matthew are you okay?" Hally reached out to touch his cheek and he squealed in pain.

"Don't worry I'll take you to the nurse okay?" The boy nodded.

"The rest of you, quietly read until I come back okay?" The children scurried along getting their books. Hally grabbed the teacher and dragged him by his ear to the office, Matthew and Soledad walking behind.

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