Chapter 8- Helping

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Hally sat down in a chair as her latest wounds where attended to. Soledad was sitting in front of her quietly watching her mom for any sign of pain.

"There all fixed up. I'll let you two have a moment." Menorah said leaving the room.

"Mom, are you in pain?" Soledad asked quietly.

"No, but it was worse when I was locked up."

"And when you where shot?" Hally sighed.

"That hurt more because I thought I was gonna die and never be able to take care of you again."

"You keep talking about not regenerating. What do you mean by that?"

"When we are badly injured, we regenerate but we have the choice to not regenerate. But to physically die. We continue to live on until we are called upon to be reborn as children. When I was shot and disappeared, I was close to regenerating but I wouldn't. Regeneration can take weeks, months or even years to be complete. I couldn't wait years so I could come back and protect you."

"You did all that to protect me?" Hally nodded.

"I would give up anything to make sure you're alright."

"But why?" Soledad asked.

"Because you're my daughter and I love you." Hally said placing a hand on Soledad's shoulder.

"Can we go home? I've been in so many different places, I just want to go home." Hally nodded standing up and when she did Soledad hugged her.

"I thought I'd never see you again mom."

"Come on, lets go home." Hally teleported them home where Norman was waiting patiently.

"Normy!" Soledad exclaimed running up and hugging the black cat.

"Soledad, I'm going to have a nap. Ok?"

"Wait, I have more questions about this holiday thing." Hally sighed before going into the family room and sitting down on a couch.

"What do you want to know?"

"When you were being tortured. Why didn't you just rip off the chains like you did last time?"

"I had to fulfill my end of the bargain. If I took your place, he would leave you alone." Hally replied.

"Right. And your wounds, didn't they hurt?"

"No, I was almost burned at the stake once. Getting a bruise is nothing."

"WHAT?" Soledad asked with wide eyes.

"Uh, something for when you're older." Hally said brushing it off.

" what happened on the boat. When you where shot I mean. I know you explained this already but, can't you give me a blunt answer?"

"Blunt? Yeah I can do that. When I was shot and my body disappeared into smoke. I died."

"WHAT?" Soledad blurted out.

"Well kinda, I was still alive but my body was gone. But we have the choice to regenerate or not. I almost did, force of habit."

"But you didn't." Soledad said pressing the issue.

"Yes I didn't. You were pretty brave to go with them on the boat."

"I didn't want to be useless and I was tired of them telling me I couldn't do something because I'm a weak human."

"You weak? Far from it. You're stronger than most humans I know, then again I don't know many." Soledad chuckled slightly before noticing something.

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