Chapter 6- Taking

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"Soledad! Hurry up, we have to go Auntie Cat's wedding.!" Hally called, grabbing her purse.

"Okay!" Soledad walked towards Hally, making her tear up.

"Mom are you crying?"

"It's look so grownup in your new dress."

"Mom I'm only 9." Soledad pointed out.

"I know, I know. Come on, lets get going." Sol grabbed Hally's hand and Hally teleported them to the wedding. It was taking place at New Year's house in the backyard. All the girls wore clothes from Cat's holiday and all the boys wore clothes from George.

"Soledad, you go find a seat with Auntie Genii while I go talk to Auntie Cat okay?"

"Can't I come with you?" Soledad asked.

"If you want to."

"Yes!" Soledad said fist pumping. Cat was inside the house with Menorah working on the final details.

"Hally! Thank god!"

"Hey Cat, something wrong?" Hally asked a little startled.

"I was afraid you weren't gonna show up."

"Cat you know me, why wouldn't I show up? It's my sister's wedding for gods sake." Cat smiled and glanced down at Soledad.

"What do you think of my dress?" Cat asked sweetly.

"It's so beautiful." Soledad gawked making Hally chuckle.

"When you're older, mommy will make sure you get a dress as pretty as this." Hally told Sol.

"Awesome. I'm gonna go find my friends, good luck Auntie Cat." Soledad said, waving as she stepped outside.

"So Cat are you gonna walk down with Nicholas?"

"Well that's just it. He's George's best man and I wanted to know what you think." Hally thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.

"Be right back Cat." Hally raced into the back of the house and transformed.

"This should work." Hally said adjusting her tie. As she walked towards Cat and Menorah she watched as their jaws dropped.


"Daddy?" Cat asked confused.

"No not really. I know how much this would have meant to you if dad was here so, I came here as a replacement." Cat held back a tear as she hugged Hally.

"Thank you Hally."

"Hey now, no crying. It's your big day, I'm just making sure it's perfect."

"It is perfect. Now come walk me down the isle." Hally nodded brushing back her hair and standing next to Cat. As the brides maids got together and the flower girls (Nova, Anastasia and Soledad) waited to go. Soledad turned around looking for her mom but she wasn't there. Instead she noticed her aunt talking to a guy with green and purple hair. Soledad smiled knowing her mom had used her powers to look like a guy, so Auntie Cat could walk down the isle with a guy.

"Alright girls start walking." Menorah instructed as the girls walked in alphabetical order. Soledad was trained in what to do like her two friends. When Soledad sat down beside Genii she watched as Cat started to walk down. Cat's dress was long and white, the train fading into red. Hally handed Cat over to George who was confused for a moment, Hally looking like her dead dad and all. But he simply got over it and held Cat's hand. When the ceremony was over Hally and Cat had the traditional father daughter dance. A few people chuckled as Hally and Cat was dancing, knowing what Hally was up to.

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