Chapter 7- Saving

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The holiday's were searching the entire world looking for Hally and Soledad.

"I found Soledad!" George called out carrying the frightened girl to Cat.

"Sol! Where's Hally?" Cat asked running up to her husband and niece.

"I don't know. It was a prison on a island, mom saved me. She sacrificed herself to save me. This is all my fault, I should have helped her." Soledad said starting to cry while George helped her onto her feet.

"Soledad there is nothing you could have done you're only hu-."

"I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING TOLD I AM JUST A HUMAN!" Soledad yelled silencing Cat.

"My mother risked her life to save me because I'm human and just because I'm human does not mean I am weak. I am just as strong as the rest of you! Now we are going to find my mother and I know how we can get some reinforcements. Auntie Cat, I need you to take me home." Cat teleported Soledad home and she ran towards the door.

"The skeletons. They can help us find mom."

"What if someone sees them?"

"We can disguise them as regular people. Put masks on, wigs, clothes and gloves on." Cat and Soledad started disguising a group of skeletons as people, George got ghosts to search the town while the other holiday's searched. A day passed with no word about Hally, until....

"Soledad! Catrina! We found her!" Juju yelled rushing inside the house.

"Where?!" Soledad asked.

"We found them trying to board a boat. We where able to figure out where they are going. They're going to Australia."

"Then we need to go!" Cat said rushing towards the door.

"A few of us are injured. We're sending a small party to rescue her." Genii said walking in.

"I'm going with them." Soledad said standing up and walking towards Genii.

"Are you sure?"

"If you say I shouldn't go because I'm human I will smack you." Soledad threatened.

"Alright. Cat you stay here. Nicholas, George, Val, Soledad and I are going to rescue Hally. Come on Sol." Genii picked up Sol and flew her to the meet up point.

"Alright. Ready to go?" George asked when he spotted Soledad.

"Yes." George and Nicholas were taking a fighter jet. Val and Genii where gonna fly taking turns holding Soledad.

"We'll be there soon. Try to rest Sol." Val instructed as she grabbed Sol from Genii.

"Halloween! Wake up!" Boxer said in a sing song voice.

"What do you want?" Hally asked coughing.

"Just wanted to see how the most hated holiday is doing? Miserable as always? Now why don't you tell me some of your friends weaknesses or do I need to cut it out of you again?" Boxer asked pulling out a knife, pointing the blade under Hally's chin and tilting her face upwards.

"I won't tell you anything."

"Oh and to think we were getting along so well. Looks like I have to remind you who is boss here. Metal or wood?" He asked putting the knife back in his pocket and walking towards a set of bats.

"I'm feeling lucky, let's use wood." He picked up the wood bat and bashed it against her left wrist until it bruised.

"No blood? Running out Hally? Or did I not hit hard enough?"

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