Author's Note

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Hi guys and gals! Wow that sounded weird even for me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Super big thanks to Le Llama who helped me name Soledad and to Princess who was my inspiration for Easter, April Fools Day and New Years. This story was a bit challenging because I had to look up SO much information about holidays and armour and swords. I'm starting to think I'm making all my villains the same. Crazy psychopaths or in Boxer's case, a crazy sadist. What inspired this one? Well I loved the idea of a dark character raising a kid who's all happy and sunshine. From there I thought about what it would be like if holidays looked like people. I guess there's suppose to be a moral to this story and it's that no matter what your current living situation you can always find family. Anyway, thanks for reading you are seriously awesome. Bye~ Bubblez
P.S. I didn't mean to offend anyone, so if a holiday you celebrate wasn't portrayed correctly I apologize profusely.

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