Chapter 9- Developing

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"Mom, I want you to teach me how to fight."

"Why would you want to do that?" Hally asked taking a sip from her coffee.

"Well for starters, when Boxing Day come's back I wanna know how to protect myself and it would make up for us getting kidnapped on my birthday." Soledad said hoping bribery and her puppy dog eyes would work.

"Alright. I have a few weapons from my younger years you can try out if you'd like."

"Cool. Can we go right now?" Hally chuckled before teleporting up to the basement, grabbing a large chest and bringing it downstairs for Soledad to see.

"What's in here?"

"All kinds of stuff." Hally said opening up the chest.

"Woah, what's this?" Soledad asked picking up the first weapon she could find.

"A crossbow, be careful where you point that."

"And this?"

"Morning star." Hally said as Soledad analyzed the weapon.

"Do you want to be ranged or close up?"

"Um, close up I guess. What is this?" Soledad asked pointing at a fan.

"A war fan, they are a lot harder to use than you would think."

"Do you have a weapon mom?"

"Well most holidays have one, especially considering how often we love to fight each other. I personally have a scythe."
"Can I see?" Soledad asked excited.

"Okay, but remember these are not toys, they can really hurt someone." Hally said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a pencil.

"A pencil?"

"Now watch." Hally pulled off the eraser end and it turned into a scythe.

"So awesome!"

"Well it's not that unique. Auntie Cat's weapons looks like a set of rings, Genii's is a fork, Val's are two bobby pins, New Years and Juju's both looks like a necklace."

"Awesome! Can I have a weapon that looks like something else or is that just a holiday thing?"

"Just a holiday thing, sorry kiddo." Soledad pretended to pout before going back to dig through the box of weapons.

"These are so cool, where did you get some of these?" Soledad asked grabbing a helmet that was inside the box and putting it on.

"Well I've collected them over the years as a sort of hobby. This helmet was from the English Civil war, the round heads wore these. Pretty cool huh?"

"Yeah. What do you think would be a good weapon for me?" Hally rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

"I do have an idea, let me just look." Hally reached inside and pulled out a medium length, thin sword.

"What is this?"

"A Rapier, it's a little bit lighter then the normal sword. They where very common in Spain, what do you think?" Soledad picked it up and gave it a few swings.

"Cool, I like it."

"Now all you need is a nice outfit and you could be one of the musketeers." Hally joked closing up the chest and handing Soledad a belt so she could attach the sword to it.

"It looks so cool!"

"Great, now you'll need some practice armour. One second." Hally helped Soledad put on the metal helmet from before and a leather chest piece.

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